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Stupid RSTuner mistake, by me.

I originally updated my Clio III without any issues what-so-ever. This was because there was only one update to the ECU and one map to follow it.

Now, a friend of mine didn't have a laptop, so I lent mine and we programmed his Clio II. I got the latest software and the map to accompany it and proceeded with the flash. Little did I know (nor bothered to read the manual at the time, since my own flash had been so straightforward) that the first number of the ECU software is _extremely_ significant to insure a smooth process. I did remember to check that the map file and the ECU reflash files versions match, since this was tried and true with my own car.

RSTuner allowed me to reflash his 6XXX ECU to 7XXX (prolly should have an "extremely stupid user error"-warning in case someone as dim as me tries to do this) and now things aren't exactly peachy. I can connect to the ECU, I get Live Data from it, etc. (which means that the ECU itself didn't fry when it was wrongly upgraded), but I can't force-reflash it with the RSTuner since when I try to use the backup that we did from the original software I get "secure communication with the ECU failed" errormessage.

I did email Henk and ask if there is anything that we can do with the tools at our disposal and apparently there isn't much apart from try and try again. Which we did.

Anyone have similar experience, or am I the only incredibly dumb b*****d that there is? Is our only option to go to a dealership with the ECU and get it reflashed there and next time around RTFM before trying again?
Might be able to blag it if its still in warranty other than that I think its gunna have to be a new ecu or a reflash


ClioSport Club Member
  172 FF and Fabia VRS
i thought once the rstuner was used on a car - thought that was the onlt car it can be used on?? or did he buy one

have us disconnected the battery overnight see if that makes a difference??
Yea, he did have his own RSTuner, but no lappie. Hence my "help" was needed.

We did disconnect the batter for ~10min, but that didn't help. We'll see tomorrow if we can get it force-reflashed by a dealership.
  Renaultsport Clio 197
the only downside with the rstuner is no warning if someone tries to upload a wrong file..
I spent 10 minutes looking at the numbers just to make sure.

Hope you get it sorted


ClioSport Club Member
  172 FF and Fabia VRS
all i can advise is make sure you get the 6400 software or 7300 software


ClioSport Club Member
  172 FF and Fabia VRS
Yea, he did have his own RSTuner, but no lappie. Hence my "help" was needed.

We did disconnect the batter for ~10min, but that didn't help. We'll see tomorrow if we can get it force-reflashed by a dealership.

leave the battery off over night see what diff it makes??


ClioSport Club Member
  172 FF and Fabia VRS
yeah just make people aware there is slightly 7300 software


both slightly diff
  Trophy #267
ouch !
Sounds like a ecu out and reprogrammed by hand job to me !
I'd be wary asking dealership to do it as they would probably mark the car as being v much non warranty in the future.
Whereabout are you as some of the uk tuners would probably be able to get it back running
the only downside with the rstuner is no warning if someone tries to upload a wrong file

It gives you a warning (info) screen with the software numbers & calibration numbers for you to check, before each reprogramming. Always check them !
To keep the software as flexible as possible there are no other checks implemented besides a file size check.

According to the manual 5.0 Which calibration file to use
6100_2AB0 --> 7300_5B10 NOT OK CAUTION

If you are not sure what they mean, please contact me before making a reprog.
  Clio Sport 197
Hi , i've been reading all the things from here , spain . I love this site (its so interesting to me , i got 197) and i want to know where i can get the program and the cable to do this things

Thanks for the best clio sport site :evil:
According to the manual 5.0 Which calibration file to use
6100_2AB0 --> 7300_5B10 NOT OK CAUTION
Indeed it does, and I wasn't accusing Fastchip/RSTuner of doing anything wrong. This is as basic stupid-user-error as it can be. But, for future reference and new versions of RSTuner it might be a good idea to add a big honking red warning popup if an user is trying to do it. Or a command line switch that enables the ability to program the wrong files in case someone somwhere needs to do this.

I usually program extra cautionary loops into my software in case the user just happens to be below the median intelligence level ;)
Oh, and the car was already out of warranty, so no problem there.

I have sent the original backupped ECU software to a specialist shop that will not mark any of these actions down anywhere and they should be able to reprogram the ECU. If that fails, Henk at Fastchip does offer a force-reflash service.

It is always good to have options even if all of them are bad :)
  Trophy #267
good luck altho i cant imagine the files read with the software being in raw bin / hex format so a normal flash programmer will not support them.
only way to get a 100% accurate restore is by sending the ecu to henk with a copy of the dump !
  e92 + E46 M3 + Cup
Ouch, i sat & re-read it 3 or 4 times just to make sure i never did this by mistake, as shown, can easily go wrong if you dont understand it.... hope you get it sorted mate ;)
  RB 182 & Lotus Evora
I flashed a wrong cal file :) But it was easily rectified :) scary when the car didnt start :D


ClioSport Club Member
  172 FF and Fabia VRS
having the 7300.cals, looks as if there is 2 versions of the 7300 ecus
