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Sub frame mount / body mount

  cliosport 172
Any ideas on best way to replace this tucked away bracket/nut?
The pic is not my car but where it's circled is what I'm on about, The bolt go through subframe up into the body of the car, it's difficult to get a view of what's behind where the bolt goes but mine is spinning.
Had a good feel and can feel it spinning and I'm guessing there is, or in my case should be a nut or threaded plate welded in place.
Tried without joy at wedging all sorts to try and pin what ever is hidden in there to try and nip the bolt up.
The bolt has dropped enough to grind off from underneath, so I'm thinking off cutting out and fiddling whatever is in there out and replacing with washer and nylon nut.
Befor I start cutting anyone had this? Or is there a better way.
I've searched body mount but can't find a post about this anywherep uploadfromtaptalk1391635157553.jpg help much appreciated cheers scott :-/

mad in general

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 phase 2
Any ideas on best way to replace this tucked away bracket/nut?
The pic is not my car but where it's circled is what I'm on about, The bolt go through subframe up into the body of the car, it's difficult to get a view of what's behind where the bolt goes but mine is spinning.
Had a good feel and can feel it spinning and I'm guessing there is, or in my case should be a nut or threaded plate welded in place.
Tried without joy at wedging all sorts to try and pin what ever is hidden in there to try and nip the bolt up.
The bolt has dropped enough to grind off from underneath, so I'm thinking off cutting out and fiddling whatever is in there out and replacing with washer and nylon nut.
Befor I start cutting anyone had this? Or is there a better way.
I've searched body mount but can't find a post about this anywherepView attachment 108470 help much appreciated cheers scott :-/
That is one of four subframe mounts. It has a little clip which holds a nut inside the chassis leg, try getting a spanner in there to hold it. Should be a hole somewhere and it'll be an 18.
  cliosport 172
Cheers, I have tried all sorts, can feel it is rusty but now knowing they're is a bolt and not threaded plate in there helps I'll get the 18 mm busy this weekend and have a go
  cliosport 172
Not got round to the body mount bolt but in my mission to find the knocking cracking and generally shitty sounding bangs when hitting corners and bumps, I tackled the gearbox mount, only to find this uploadfromtaptalk1391982704925.jpg
Not only was the rubber mount not bolted down, at all, but the ecu wasnt bolted, the back of the main battery tray casting was broken basocally all of 2 bolts holding it loosely together.
All done now and makes a serious difference,
Next move to tie the loose body mount up then try and find what's causing the one little bang I get randomly, think it's exhaust, as the back nox bracket shot, got a new bracket ready to go had a crack at the bolts but they rusted in good an proper , need to get on a ramp and put some heat on them before I snap them and something else on the car out of temper :mad:
This car is so much fun to drive but can see why the garages charge a kind ransom to work on them.
