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Subtly making clio look better

  Clio 1.5 GT TDI
Just bought my first clio and want to make it look a bit better, but cant afford to claim any modifications on my insurance because im only 17 and its already £2800 with nothing done to it. Any ideas?


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
The main thing you can do is colour coding,
which basically means spraying the black bump strips front, back and sides, the same colour as the rest of the car.

Got any pics of it, that'll help us with some recomendations, that won't really count as mods.

Although there are people that'll insist that anything that didn't come out the factory is a mod,
but technically you could count air freshners and fluffy dice as mods. ;)
  Clio 182
Just do bits that wont effect your insurance. For me I like the CTR aerial, bosh aerotwin wipers, silver vision indicators, phillips blue vision sidelights (they are white not blue despite the name). The above are all cheap, subtle and make a great difference in making the car look so much tidier, this is in my opinion of course :)
  Chocolate Orange 172
Colour coding and subtle little changes like aero blades and silver-vision bulbs is the best thing you can do for the minute if you don't want to effect your insurance, does yours have alloy wheels as standard?
  Clio 1.5 GT TDI
yeah it has the alloys as standard. someone recommended getting them sprayed black to match the car. i pick it up a week today and ill get some pictures up to see what will make it look better, but all the suggestions have sounded good. thanks!
  Clio 1.5 GT TDI
I'll get some pictures of it up when i pick it up on wednesday. its a black expression with alloys as standard. but yeah, that sounds good! cheers dave
  Clio 1.5 GT TDI
AND... because i dont have it yet, im still looking for cheap insurance. does anybody recommend anywhere? the cheapest at the moment is at £2843.
  Chocolate Orange 172
I would recommend Adrian Flux as well! I would go either black or white alloys, personally I would go white as I am not a fan of black and black but can look good!


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Silver alloys.

If you're a yoof, insurance will rape you for mods.

Black car + black wheels needs to be a ph1 sport + LOW to pull it off. Also you'll need to invest heavily in tyre-shine :eek:

Just leave it alone ;)


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
Best colour combo for a black car is 'anthracite' dark grey basically, imo of course.

I know your car will look nothing like this seeing as it's a 1.2,
and the pic is a 182, but it gives you an idea of how the two colours look together.

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  Clio 1.5 GT TDI
Ah right, thanks a lot everyone. I'll look into all of them and I've requested a callback off Adrian Flux. Thanks again!
