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subwoofer and amp question...

  wrx sti ppp (305bhp)
im getting a sub and amp this weekend and was wondering how do i secure them down in the boot?? anyone got ideas or things they have done/used?
  wrx sti ppp (305bhp)
velcro, cheers, how do i get it on the boot floor, glue?? or some sort of double sided velcro?


  big fat japanese bus
dont use velcro, there are two bolts in the floor you use for a cargo net, you build a bracket an attach it to them :)
  wrx sti ppp (305bhp)
cool sounds like a good idea, anyone got any pics of how they have done it, or pics of any u can find lol. cheers
  172 coming soon
Lift the carpet out of your boot, lay it down flat like a template on to a sheet of MDF or Ply-wood, draw round it, lift it out of the way, cut round your newly marked shape with a jigsaw, then cut it down the middle so it will fit into the boot, and now you have a hard false floor with plenty of strength to hold your sub box and screw it down, and even screw your amp down to it, hiding the cables under neath :D
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
Don't ever velcro it, do you think it could with stand a crash because i don't think it could, and you wouldn't want a sub in the back of your noggin would you ;)

slow_assed_clio said:
Lift the carpet out of your boot, lay it down flat like a template on to a sheet of MDF or Ply-wood, draw round it, lift it out of the way, cut round your newly marked shape with a jigsaw, then cut it down the middle so it will fit into the boot, and now you have a hard false floor with plenty of strength to hold your sub box and screw it down, and even screw your amp down to it, hiding the cables under neath :D

This is the best way ^^^^^
  172 coming soon
XXXChromeClioXXX said:
Don't ever velcro it, do you think it could with stand a crash because i don't think it could, and you wouldn't want a sub in the back of your noggin would you ;)

This is the best way ^^^^^

Very True..

They done tests on 5th Gear a while back where they placed a Laptop computer on the parcel shelf, then proceeded to crash the car in a set up series of events..

At a 30mph collision with a wall, the laptop went flying into the front with enough velocity to remove your head from your shoulders, so just imagine what a sub and box would be like.. Probably take the rear seats out and continue to the back of the drivers seat :S

Id be spending the money on a sheet of MDF and a few screws if i was you lad :cool:
Agree with this^^^ !

I always do my rear seatbelts up as well when they're not in use - should provide some helpful extra restraint should the seat catches decide to give way...
  RenaultSport Clio 172 Mk2
You don't necessarily need to do a false floor. You can drill through the boot floor and bolt it down. Just be careful where you drill that's all.


although velcro is commonly used if i were you id fix it down a little more securely as a crash at high speed could leave you with a sub box thats smashed to bits from the impact on your head;)
