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Suggest me a game.


ClioSport Club Member
Right, I need some help here.

the Mrs has never played a console in her life and i mean is useless with anything more than iron.

Can anyone recomend me some cheap games that we could multiplayer on the 360? nothing to serious, more like party/basic games with a bit of competition?

See if she can actually do it.


ClioSport Club Member
flol, I don't think you understand the female technology r****d thing. She isn't going to be Gears of War or Forza savvy.

I was thinking more Super Monkey Ball standards.

and you want Pics?


ClioSport Admin
Ah, the first time I played gears of war I ran around lancing every fucker. Lance>talent

pics, would be appreciated... It's just the default reply to these threads.

Im stuck to two player games though. Just go to granger games/Cex etc and have a look?



ClioSport Club Member
  Superleggera'd Bean
Any Lego game. I recommend LOTR, best in the franchise IMO.


ClioSport Club Member
LA Noire - Weird shout but my missus loved this. Had a good stroy line and you can both get involved even if only one of you plays. Interrorgations etc. finding evidence. Also great game.

Other than that the Lego games are really REALLY good. Any of them.


ClioSport Club Member
lol at PAC-MAN.

I think I'm best just going and buying a bunch of crap second hand games and finding one she can play. I'm thinking some sort of destruction derby cartoon style game that just has an accelerator button and weapon button. Something simple.


ClioSport Club Member
Geometry Wars.

My ex loved it.

I saw left thumbstick and right thumbstick. No chance. (although I might be putting her down here, but I just can't see it) It would be about as successful as Stephen Hawkings in the hurdles.

Might try the LOTR lego as she like LOTR. I'm going for a long lunch to see what I can get.
lol at PAC-MAN.

I think I'm best just going and buying a bunch of crap second hand games and finding one she can play. I'm thinking some sort of destruction derby cartoon style game that just has an accelerator button and weapon button. Something simple.

Retro gaming at its best iirc

Double dragon? s**t like that is simple yet a really good starting place for gaming IMO


ClioSport Club Member
Mr mrs likes Trials HD. Really basic controls and premise to the game but very addictive.
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
Not 360 but if you can get your hands on a Gamecube I would recommend all the old Mario Party games.

Chicks dig Mario Party.

No joke btw, awesome fun. :cool:


ClioSport Club Member
I've just tokk a 90 minute lunch break and been to CEX. How s**t is that. All fighting and driving games. I wanted something simple and fun and cheap. I was not paying £20 for LOTR Lego just in case she plas for 30 seconds and doesn't like it.

I think going Retro is the best bet. Although at the moment it looks like Tiger Woods mini games and Beijing Olympics. Might try her on a bit of Project Gotham as well.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
Any Lego game. I recommend LOTR, best in the franchise IMO.

I was just going to say this!

LOTR I didn't get on with to be honest - Star Wars complete saga if she's into star wars for me!
I've just tokk a 90 minute lunch break and been to CEX. How s**t is that. All fighting and driving games. I wanted something simple and fun and cheap. I was not paying £20 for LOTR Lego just in case she plas for 30 seconds and doesn't like it.

I think going Retro is the best bet. Although at the moment it looks like Tiger Woods mini games and Beijing Olympics. Might try her on a bit of Project Gotham as well.

Stuff like double dragon, shinobi, sonic etc are all on the marketplace cheap enough ;)


ClioSport Club Member
  Superleggera'd Bean
I was just going to say this!

LOTR I didn't get on with to be honest - Star Wars complete saga if she's into star wars for me!

I liked the whole open world of it. 100%'d it lol


  Z4, VW172, R26
LA Noire - Weird shout but my missus loved this. Had a good stroy line and you can both get involved even if only one of you plays. Interrorgations etc. finding evidence. Also great game.

Other than that the Lego games are really REALLY good. Any of them.

Pics of missus :)
My 360 isn't on line:eek:

Ah man that sucks, next chance you get ask about the arcade compilation disks at CEX etc they have the odd classic game on and will be really cheap nowadays

Discs like this would be great as it has classics like streets of rage and Sonic on

To me the retro simple games like those would be a great place to start gaming, button mashers should get her hooked enough to start her wanting to play more often


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
COD. She'll be 360 noscoping in no time.

All the suggestions that have come into my head so far are all Nintendo games so you'd need a wii. Early NFS games?
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
Guitar Hero (girls love it and if you've never played it you will be bad too)
Geometry Wars (you might be surprised)
Fable (girls like the RPG element)
Bomberman (if she can't play that then maybe stick to ironing)
Can't believe no one has suggested tekken, it's button bashing - my gf loves it! Granted it gets boring after a few fights - and my gf isn't impressed when I release mad combos...

Haha, but you can't go wrong with tekken, just a "spam buttons" game for any rookie :)

Edit: and you can "pretend" to lose a few times - puts you in her good books & guaranteed bj's


ClioSport Club Member
I wish I could get Bomberman:( I might see if I can pinch a massively long Cable from work and run the cable out the window and back in the living room into the Xbox tonight.


ClioSport Club Member
I think I've played trial HD. Is that the Trials bike game a bit like the old back forward don't fall off thing?
