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sun strips width aloud for road use?

  172 turbo
any one know the width aloud to go down from top of winmdscreen with out getting pulled every 5 mins of legal requirment thanks?


ClioSport Club Member
  1.6Si + 182
either 2 inch above where wipers reach too or the top of wipers,which in clio's allows a 2 inch sunstrip or sumthin pointless, i had a 250mm one haha got pulled twice in a week after a good few months of it,

each to the own but ClioSport hates t**t-strips haha
  172 turbo
well i need it i track but aniways ure saying in buckets even if i did the legal requirement u say wudnt notice a diff at all?
  DCi 100
It's an MOT failure iirc if the wipers touch that sort of thing.

Personally I'd stick one on the inside, abit less obvious. At a must get shorter wipers. Unless it's rediculously big I doubt it'd be too noticable.
