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  clio rs 182
i have fitted a sunstrip to my 182 but now the headlights are always on:clown:

is there a way round this except from taking it off?


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf GTI
Turn the auto lights off. Or remove the sun strip. They're not the best looking things.

Two threads? Really?
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ive got a sunstrip and has no problems. get a professional one if you want it and do it from the inside of the car
  S4 Avant
So you put a sun strip over the sensor on the windscreen. Now your lights are on, and I'll take a guess that the automatic wipers don't work anymore either?
  Fiesta ST-3
thought the sensor for the wipers is at the bottom of the windscreen dave?

not sure if the auto lights are the same as the non-sports... if they are then to turn them off:

1. Turn ignition on so that the stop lights etc come on the dash
2. Turn the headlight stalk from off to side lights, then off, then to side lights then off again. You should hear a couple of bleeps, your auto lights should be off.

Or, rip the sunstrip out as said they normally look gash!!
  Hyundai i40
the sensor is behind the centre mirror chris

and they switch off/on the same way as above the RS's
  ford cougar 2.0 16v
the sensor is behind the centre mirror chris

and they switch off/on the same way as above the RS's
as said here but the sensor is quite small so look at the window see where the sensor is an dput slight hole so the diode can see the light. i had this issue with rains sensors which happened to be right next too it. if not grab the maually see where the diode is or whether if you not bothered if you can pull fuse out for sensor
