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Swap iPhone 4 for Google Nexus S?


I know, crazy and stupid.

But quite tempted with the Google Nexus S, the price is rather steep as I would buy it sim only.

Anyway, some threads about them on here, but nothing to conclusive.

Have you and if so, would you again ?




ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
If you are going to get any android phone, that's the one to get. (Because of the support)

Thats all i can offer.
I'd say no.

Everyone who I know who has had an iPhone 4, and has switched to BB, Android etc have regretted and since returned to an iPhone 4.
  Megane 225 F1
I would say yes.

There are a lot of features from the iPhone that I miss, but there is so much more customising that I can do within the Android OS.

I shall go into more detail when I'm home later :)
Nope. The Nexus S is a good phone but it's not good enough.

If you'd never used an iPhone then I think you'd love it but knowing there's better available means you'll wish you didn't change.
stick with the ip4, as much as i hate Apple, they've got their OS pretty spot on (except customizing).
and if it's customizing you are after, jailbreak it and the world is your oyster!
stick with the ip4, as much as i hate Apple, they've got their OS pretty spot on (except customizing).
and if it's customizing you are after, jailbreak it and the world is your oyster!
The original Desire is still the best Android phone until the dual cores arrive in a month or 2. Get it rooted and the battery life lasts 18 hours easy. The Desire HD is too much of a brick tbh. Another Android phone to look at is the Incredible S
  Revels Mum & Sister
Nope. The Nexus S is a good phone but it's not good enough.

If you'd never used an iPhone then I think you'd love it but knowing there's better available means you'll wish you didn't change.

I have to say you are completely wrong! Firstly because you havent owned or used a Nexus S for any length of time.

I swapped from my iPhone 4 to the Nexus S nearly 4 months ago and wouldnt go back to the iPhone. For me the Nexus is far more flexible. I also like buggering around with it, it is very very easy to root and stick a custom Rom & Kernel on. I believe you are a geek as well Gabi so that shouldnt be a problem.

I also havent come across anything the iPhone can do that the Nexus cannot do and be more flexible doing it. A lot of the stuff that is Apple specific is usually a gimic and rarely gets used day to day. The Integration with Google Apps like Maps, Nav, Voice Search, Gmail etc is spot on.

Before the Apple freaks start crying I am not bashing the iPhone 4 as it is a great handset and I loved it, but I would not go back.

Legend, I am somewhat of a geek, just love breaking things and gadgets.

Couple of questions for your;

1) Battery life, how does it compare to the iPhone with similar settings?
2) Apps - no idea how the market place works, I must admit the AppStore is superb but there are so many conflicting reviews that slate the android store.
3) TomTom - do you have it and is it any good?

Would be awesome if I could find out the above, and anything further you might suggest.

Thanks again for replying,


I have to say you are completely wrong! Firstly because you havent owned or used a Nexus S for any length of time.

I swapped from my iPhone 4 to the Nexus S nearly 4 months ago and wouldnt go back to the iPhone. For me the Nexus is far more flexible. I also like buggering around with it, it is very very easy to root and stick a custom Rom & Kernel on. I believe you are a geek as well Gabi so that shouldnt be a problem.

I also havent come across anything the iPhone can do that the Nexus cannot do and be more flexible doing it. A lot of the stuff that is Apple specific is usually a gimic and rarely gets used day to day. The Integration with Google Apps like Maps, Nav, Voice Search, Gmail etc is spot on.

Before the Apple freaks start crying I am not bashing the iPhone 4 as it is a great handset and I loved it, but I would not go back.
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  Skoda Fabia Vrs 180b
I'd say no.

Everyone who I know who has had an iPhone 4, and has switched to BB, Android etc have regretted and since returned to an iPhone 4.

no they havent. id never swap my desire hd for my previous iphone 4. iphone is poor in comparison
  Skoda Fabia Vrs 180b

Legend, I am somewhat of a geek, just love breaking things and gadgets.

Couple of questions for your;

1) Battery life, how does it compare to the iPhone with similar settings?
2) Apps - no idea how the market place works, I must admit the AppStore is superb but there are so many conflicting reviews that slate the android store.
3) TomTom - do you have it and is it any good?

Would be awesome if I could find out the above, and anything further you might suggest.

Thanks again for replying,


I have a custom rom and kernel on my desire HD. Now get up to 2 days out of the battery with moderate usage, day and a half with heavy usage.

Its overclocked ti 1.5ghz and runs like a dream.

App store isnt anywhere near as good as the apple store, but is more than acceptable. look at and you can see and even send the apps from the site to your phone without touching your phone.

google navigation which is on the phone is a sgood as tomtom on the iphone. very good software



ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio

Legend, I am somewhat of a geek, just love breaking things and gadgets.

Couple of questions for your;

1) Battery life, how does it compare to the iPhone with similar settings?
2) Apps - no idea how the market place works, I must admit the AppStore is superb but there are so many conflicting reviews that slate the android store.
3) TomTom - do you have it and is it any good?

Would be awesome if I could find out the above, and anything further you might suggest.

Thanks again for replying,


the android market is quite good and most good iphone apps are there now

the sat nav is awesome, it re routes to traffic, shows you a streetview of your destination, and best of all it is free and works anywhere in most countries

cant comment on nexus s battery life, but would say that it is a better phone than the iphone (iphone users always say not)
I have only messed around with Android, fixing peoples phones at work but not extensively enough to what I would like.

Just downloading the emmulator so I can mess around with it.

Looking forward to it, might get the Nexus S then, would like them for our company contracts.

Thanks guys.

Turn by turn navigation would be amazing, need to see what the Google one is like.



ps: what is the stability like with the customised ROM, have not messed around in years with this, so a bit out of the game.
  Skoda Fabia Vrs 180b
i can give a rooting guide of you wish. flashed more roms than i can remember :D

best place however is xda developers as they have guides for every phone as all are slightly different methods.

got the SPB launcher. didnt realise it was just a launcher. its awesome!
  Revels Mum & Sister
1. Battery life is on a Par with iPhone perhaps slightly better. But it does have a removable battery so you could carry two batterys that were fully charged if you wanted
2. Apps I havent found anything I needed that was not available in the App Market. It has come a LONG way in the past 12 months.
3. There is no Tom Tom at the moment. There is Co Pilot but I just use Google Nav and it works fine however Co Pilot installs on the phone so no need for a data connection.

ROM wise I run a Cyanogen ROM and a different overclocked Kernel, which has the Voodoo sound drivers and colour tweaks built in. Makes it sound amazing! Also you can tweak colour settings till your hearts content.

if you love playing then it is the phone for you


Legend, I am somewhat of a geek, just love breaking things and gadgets.

Couple of questions for your;

1) Battery life, how does it compare to the iPhone with similar settings?
2) Apps - no idea how the market place works, I must admit the AppStore is superb but there are so many conflicting reviews that slate the android store.
3) TomTom - do you have it and is it any good?

Would be awesome if I could find out the above, and anything further you might suggest.

Thanks again for replying,

is that miui 1.4.1? how did you get the extra? link/guide most appreciated!

Sorry that's not my phone and not miui LOL that is the spb launcher on the market for a Tenner but free on Google. If you head over to xda developers and find your phone in the forums there will be many guides. I wouldn't like to say how purely because everyphone has different rooting methods

Sent from my HTC Desire HD using Tapatalk
I was running MIUI but just didnt get on with it. Went back to Cyanogen!

What release are you running? I did rc2 last and is there a whole lot off difference?. Miui is undergoing a massive ui overhaul ATM things are looking good

Sent from my HTC Desire HD using Tapatalk
  182FF with cup packs
What release are you running? I did rc2 last and is there a whole lot off difference?. Miui is undergoing a massive ui overhaul ATM things are looking good

Sent from my HTC Desire HD using Tapatalk

I'm running CM7 RC4 on a Nexus One, the only problem I have is with A2SE, but I think that's because the ext3 partition on my SDCard is a bit iffy. Other than that, it's pretty much rock solid, and has some really nice features, for instance it has a power widget built into the pulldown status bar for toggling anything you want (I have WiFi hotspot and LED Torch on mine as well as the normal radio ones).

To people asking about how good Google maps is, I've been using it since I got my Nexus One back when it first came out over a year ago (originally with the hacked version because they didn't do turn by turn outside of the US, but now with the stock one). It works so well I sold my in car Tom Tom and switched to the phone. Works much better in central london than my tom tom ever did as well.
  Revels Mum & Sister
What release are you running? I did rc2 last and is there a whole lot off difference?. Miui is undergoing a massive ui overhaul ATM things are looking good

Sent from my HTC Desire HD using Tapatalk

RC4 but ran RC2, Cynaogen is much like Stock Google OS with some handy tweaks and extras. MIUI is a massive change over stock. I just didnt like the feel. It felt too much like an iPhone to be honest.
  Revels Mum & Sister
I'm running CM7 RC4 on a Nexus One, the only problem I have is with A2SE, but I think that's because the ext3 partition on my SDCard is a bit iffy. Other than that, it's pretty much rock solid, and has some really nice features, for instance it has a power widget built into the pulldown status bar for toggling anything you want (I have WiFi hotspot and LED Torch on mine as well as the normal radio ones).

To people asking about how good Google maps is, I've been using it since I got my Nexus One back when it first came out over a year ago (originally with the hacked version because they didn't do turn by turn outside of the US, but now with the stock one). It works so well I sold my in car Tom Tom and switched to the phone. Works much better in central london than my tom tom ever did as well.

I love the pull down menu as well! Also I like the lockscreen music controls which work with Spotify. I use an Aux lead in my car sometimes into the headunit so this is important for me to be able to skip tracks easily.
