also th ONLY green valver....Quote: Originally posted by Ben j on 12 May 2003
notice: the fastest - green valver - was in the middle
see i told peeps this, was a good laugh having a play christianQuote: Originally posted by cbscup on 12 May 2003
Twas indeed a good meet. I dismiss any claims of driving like a nutter though - I felt I was very restrained. The 172 v Cup dual carriageway blast was interesting as there was absolutly no gain from either car right up to about 130
chill winston, LOLQuote: Originally posted by ivegota16v on 13 May 2003
Right just to put a few things straight!!!!!!!!!!!
Numero Uno - i did not sulk, i was mearly waiting for the other valvers to appear before moving my lean, mean fast as f*ck machine!!!! As for moving it i didnt buy the car to go slowly so simply planted it across the car park........
Numero Du - I didnt go home because i was tired (god damn cheek) i couldnt be arsed to tan it to Cheltenham because i said i would vist some fit as fook birds who live in swindon after the meet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There all done!!!
good point poor choice of wordsQuote: Originally posted by cbscup on 13 May 2003
having a play with Christian - Be more careful with your wording next time mate!
Hes right though - the two cars are just spot on the same (or do I have a slow one, or does he have a quick one or did the slight tail wind favour his car cos its slightly higher or d.... )