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T-Cut Colour Fast

Right, am i right in thinking its a polish? I dont know anything about the product and ive never used it.

Is it designed to be a filler like srp is?

Or more of a use by hand abrasive polish ?

Would it do a good job at hiding a scuff on my front quater (only a small one, which srp and purple haze cover up reasonably well anyways)
  172//Crap Micra//Bus
Have had a little experience in TCut Colout Fast before... seem's to work pretty well, but depends on the scuffs really. I bought the dark red one, for my new 172 and haven't had chance to try it out properly yet.

I think it is a sort of a abrasive, did work well at getting rid of scuffs on my old motor, but not to sure... certainly couldn't go wrong with it though!

The plan for mine is to clay it first, then give it a good go with the TCut, before touching any major chips up. From there... probably another good go with the TCut, before giving it a good wash with AutoGlym... then a couple of coats with the AutoGlym Super Resin to bring it up and protect it properly.

Not, the best advice I know, but hope ive given you a good bit of an insight!!
Cheers for that. The scuff is down to the plastic. Tbh srp and purple haze do a good job of masking it.

I was thinking colourfast might be a good temporary non abrasive polish which would hide the mark.
  titanic killer
Im sure the detailers will be here shortly to tell you ya might as well wet sand your car as too use t-cut
I think theres alot better products to use now as t-cut doesnt brake down and always stays abrasive
something like menz intensive polish has a good cut but breaks down to a finishing polish,so wont inflict more mark than your taking out
  106 GTi
Horrible stuff, if it is a scuff that will polish out use a decent polish to Polish out.

The SRP will remove the colour fast if you use it after.
Horrible stuff, if it is a scuff that will polish out use a decent polish to Polish out.

The SRP will remove the colour fast if you use it after.

Ah right okay. the reason ive stayed away from it is because it was made by car plan, uaing their triplewax shampoo is like using Harpic powerplus as a wheel cleaner.

Its a scuff which wont polish out. Had it since i got it. Ill stick to multiple coats of srp and dodojuice.

Btw, Rich, when does the hard and soft wax get released ?
  172//Crap Micra//Bus
I must say, never realised it was so bad... Although, it can be nasty to use... gets everywhere... will still use myself though, for now at least!
  106 GTi
Horrible stuff, if it is a scuff that will polish out use a decent polish to Polish out.

The SRP will remove the colour fast if you use it after.

Ah right okay. the reason ive stayed away from it is because it was made by car plan, uaing their triplewax shampoo is like using Harpic powerplus as a wheel cleaner.

Its a scuff which wont polish out. Had it since i got it. Ill stick to multiple coats of srp and dodojuice.

Btw, Rich, when does the hard and soft wax get released ?

The Colour Polish won't really do anything then.

Not sure when the retailers are selling Double Wax and tbh I would not bother with it. Get some Saphir instead. They are just about to release another new one according to the threads on DW which is meant to sit above the Dodo Dodo in there product range.
  VX220 Turbo
depending how bad it is you could touch in the scrape then wet sand it with 2000 grit, then use a cutting compund to blend it in slightly, this is what i used to do on my body coloured wheel arches on the mini
