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T Mobile - c***s!

Due for an upgrade but as i got a brand new n95 just last month under warrenty i thought id upgrade later even after 2 sales reps rang me about it, i said i wasnt interested.. anyway i rang them up as my mate said you could get cheaper line rental..

Anyway asked them the price for the n96 (im on flext 35 + web and walk price plan with 50% freinds and family discount) and she goes £196.92 i said you must be joking.. what about that line rental discount.. since am only paying £17 a month can i get the £15 discount? so i only pay £2 a month for next 18 months and no phone upgrade and she goes no, its not an option for you as you are already discounted for friends and family..

she said for better and cheaper upgrades wait till 27th feb.. where you may be eligible for it aswell as the n96 for £40 i said fine bye..

went online logged into my tmobile and its there staring in my face you can upgrade £15 off line rental or a phone.. so i went to n96 and low behold the phone is £80 lol over £100 cheaper along with free delivery!

so i did this as it gave me confirmation id! and said youd be charged on enxt bill, date,. strange thing is it let me pick an upgrade again after so i did the £15 off line rental to see what itd do, thinking its a fault on their site!

anyway 5 mins later get a call on my phone from T mobile! we understand you are trying to upgrade, we can no longer those with friends and family discounts any upgrade until the end of the contract , in ur case 27th feb!

i said but it let me do it online and confirmed! and she goes no it hasnt gone through!

i told her you are sly just cause i rang you earlier and you quoted me higher on the phone! your making up all this stuff that i cant upgrade? its a load of s**t and she goes im really sorry about this and i do understand..

so i said if i wait one month i can get the n96 for £40 or the £15 of line rental, and she goes well our offers change daily so contact us on that date and our team will sort you out!

lol i laughed and said i wont be holding my breath for some good offers based on today! and put the phone down!

anyone else expereinced this?

ive never ever had a problem with tmboile before but today really pissed me off!

o well looks like ill upgrade when n97 is out now

rant over!


  Focus TDCi
I've been bombarded with phonecalls from several companies offering me upgrades. Apparently T-Mobile sold my details, along with everyone elses, up until a year or so back. I must literally have had about 30 calls just in the last week from Mobile Heaven, GSM Arena, 3 Direct Phone Sales and a few I've sent the busy tone to, as well.

Anyway I've been on the T-Mobile site on my profile and for the life of me I can't see this fabled 'upgrade your phone' section. I've sent the 'UP' message to 150 and I am due an upgrade, but it seems to be so hit and miss when you're trying to get offers and quotes. So yeah, I can sympathise with you lol.
lol everyones suffering in the credit crunch but they taking mic!

when i log into my tmobile i have a big banner saying renew and upgrade now! with offers?

whats that about?
they treat current customers like s**t! or maybe just me coz im already gettin discount and not worth it for them?

i dunno anyhow ring 150 about your upgrade? an/or check the menus on left hand side in my tmobile online?


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
With employee call you can ONLY do the upgrade at the END of the contract period.
You will NOT get the full upgrade allowance.

You cant do it online either.

But, you cant complain you get 50% off.

So T-Mobile aren't c***s, its just you not checking what you can do.
lol ^^ mate i upgraded early last year and the year before!

i told her that and she said i was correct on the computer it said that! thats why she said im sorry for your concerns .. why this year they wont let me i dont know! my cousin also last month! we both took contracts out on same day with same discounts!

how does that work? that he gets an upgrade? and i dont because i rang them? and i cant get the cheaper online price? he ddi it in store btw as did i as a matter of fact.. my last 2 year upgrade were done for info via call then i went in store and did it..

that might be the difference.. hmm
  Dirty E91
Last time I upgraded i was told the online and over the phone upgrades are seperate offers, guessing that the instore offers aer the same, totally seperate to all other offers available.

Still, think £17 for what you get is pretty good!
  Mr2 Roadster
You'll get your best upgrade and line rental reduction when you are out of contract and that is a fact!
^ yeah ive got a feeling your right, thats the only difference to what me and my cousin did this time regarding the upgrade..

and yeah the price is good lol but ive got there usb broadband and 2 other fone contracts with them ( for my younger bros) so it adds up lol could have treated me better
Re: T Mobile - c**ks!

You'll get your best upgrade and line rental reduction when you are out of contract and that is a fact!

true say but lol the price is too good to go out of contract whether they hassle me lol

i still have an orange everyday 50 contract which the mrs uses and lol they ring all the time trying to get it cancelled..


  Audi TT Stronic
I was on Flext 35 + web n walk at £42.50 a month.

I wanted the N96 and told them I don't want to pay for it.. so they said I could be upgraded to Flext 50 with free web n walk for £45 a month and get the N96 for free lol.. now I get 1700 minutes a month talk time or something lol

I already have the G1 which I love so will just be selling the N96.

The just called me today to ask me how I was getting on with me new phone and if everything was ok. T-mobile are great IMO :)
ok to update you guys!

i got home to my parents thursday night! and guess what was waiting for me? a brand new n96!

after all the grief they gave me on the fone about me not able to upgrade

i come home to see it there! rang them up to ask what happened and the guy goes i dont know but uve been upgraded fine and you are on the same contract with the same discount , i asked him if i could have got cheaper line rental he goes yeah, but he cant do it now as the n96 has gone thru, i asked how much ive been charged for it he goes £80 so basically it was my internet deal :D

i told him whoever that women is i spoke to.. she needs to find a better way if she wanted comission on that fone call as she was trying to sell it to me at £192 lol and wouldnt let me upgrade at all if i didnt! b**ch! lol

all in all n96 is a good fone!

anyone got any must have reocmmended applications for it?
