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Tar/contamination of Paintwork - Clay the answer?

Been out cleaning the car today and these "black spots" are getting worse and worse everytime i clean it.

I reckon its probably tar kicking up off the road:



So my question is what is the best way to get rid of these?
Scrubbing isn't working, nor is polishing. Just seems to ingrain it.

From reading threads on here it seems clay might do just the trick?
If so can someone recommend me a particular clay to buy as i've no experience with the stuff at all.

Many thanks.
  106 GTi
Tar remover to dissolve it and then a good polish.

Though I found SRP alone will remove tar earlier.
Tar remover to dissolve it and then a good polish.

Though I found SRP alone will remove tar earlier.

Cheers Rich.
I did try SRP about a week ago but i'll give it a proper go when i get a chance after the tar remover first.



ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
Tar remover. Best way i found is to squirt it under the bumpstops all the way along the car. Leave a good ten mins. Watch it dissolve/run off, amazing stuff. Then give the car a good SRP EPG to seal up the paint again :)
  Ph1 172 + Combo van
Use some neat TFR traffic film remover which will get rid of the tar then you will be left with a orangey brown mark on the paint which will just polish off or if its bad try some farecla G3 it will definately remove it.
