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Telling insurance Co bout colour coding

I havent bothered with mine, but thats the only thing I havent told them about!! Sure they will use it as an excuse to charge you more and I cant see it makes any difference!? Just my opinion mind!! :)
  Mondeo STTDCI

You should tell them anyway. If u have a big accident and a loss adjustor is involved and sees them - they are a modification and will void ur insurance.
  172 mk2

surely u could just pull them off the car if u wrap it round a tree, aint gunna make much difference to it in the end.. im guessing u mean the side bump strips.

(not suggesting ud want to go find a tree somewhere tho)

come on, d you really think anyone would be petty enough to void insurance for colour coding some bits of plastic!!

thats like getting youre insurance voided for fitting neon washer jets! itd never happen!

actually, if i were an insurance official id void anyones insurance if they had neon washer jets!
