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Temp sender issue


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172,Golf VR6
Hello guys. Can't seem to find my thread anymore, so i'll post it again.
Temp gauge stays low, fans are always on, even 2 mins after turning it off.
Temp on diag shows -40.
Changed temp sender, same result.


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
Hello guys. Can't seem to find my thread anymore, so i'll post it again.
Temp gauge stays low, fans are always on, even 2 mins after turning it off.
Temp on diag shows -40.
Changed temp sender, same result.

This one?


ClioSport Club Member
Wiring issue by sounds of it, start by checking continuity on the temp sensor wiring from the plug to the ecu.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172,Golf VR6
Why can't i find it?
I'Ve already checked for continuity, wires go straight to ecu.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172,Golf VR6
Begging for solutions at this point.
Car working fine, but im pretty sure on a cold map since it somewhat stinks fuely, three sensors and ecu wirest changed still nothing solved it.
Gauge stays at 0, diag gives -40 all the time.
Changed sensor, thermostat, could that be an ecu problem? Can't find an ecu loval for the life of me.
Also, is's economic just the same as my other car which is a 6 cyl 2.9, which is not that good given the info on the forum, please help.


ClioSport Club Member
If you've changed the sensor and checked wiring between the sensor and the ecu and everything is checking out then it may well indicate an ecu fault yes.

Hard to diagnose things like this remotely and tbh for a quick solution (given you have tried the easy stuff already) you would be best off taking it to someone who knows their stuff - heard lots of good things about Diamond motors (think its motors and not autos).


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172,Golf VR6
I'm Croatia based and there are no real Renault sport professionals here lol
Also, finding a used ECU here is like seeing an unicorn in the city center


ClioSport Club Member
Yes, I can see how that would be a problem 😭

You might have to speak with a UK company to see if you can send the ECU to be tested, or get on ebay UK/FR to see if you can buy a used ECU. I believe if you go down this route it will be easiest for you to get an ECU/UCH/Keys package but I've never done it so can't give you solid info.

Before you go down that path its worth removing the ecu from the car, unplugging the main connectors and having a good look at all the pins - looking for corrosion or missing pins.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172,Golf VR6
Thanks for the idea.
I can swap the code from my ecu to another one, i have already swapped uch for some gremlins, but finding an ecu to do so is proving hard


ClioSport Club Member
Get a 2nd hand engine ecu from the uk and swap your immobiliser over. Some places will virgin the immobiliser on 2nd hand ecu so plug and play.
