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The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

  A4 Avant
Started going through my America Holiday photos and these are some that have already made me happy (Plus made me want to go back). Photobucket seems to have screwed with quality.






ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182

My old car - no photoshoping involved - just long exposure and a flash gun to light up the car in the right places.
Mental colours!

How you finding the D600? Personally, I think its almost a dream camera!

Really, really happy with it. I think I might have to go with a back-up D7000 or something for motorsport (lots of very narrow aperture shooting) next year as presumably dust will become an issue, but the D600 is a keeper for everything else for sure. Love the handling and it's just effortless, Auto ISO set to 6400, never need to worry about quality degrading.

I have the 28mm 1.8 at the moment but not sure on the focal length yet, I think a 50mm 1.4 will cover all of my needs far better. Off to NYC with it on Thursday, can't wait!
Really, really happy with it. I think I might have to go with a back-up D7000 or something for motorsport (lots of very narrow aperture shooting) next year as presumably dust will become an issue, but the D600 is a keeper for everything else for sure. Love the handling and it's just effortless, Auto ISO set to 6400, never need to worry about quality degrading.

I have the 28mm 1.8 at the moment but not sure on the focal length yet, I think a 50mm 1.4 will cover all of my needs far better. Off to NYC with it on Thursday, can't wait!

Sounds good! I have the 50 1.8 which seems to give decent sharpness. Although its not getting much of a look in with the 28-75 currently attached!

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Was that one long exposure or did you stack in the end? Can't see the exif data on my phone for some reason.

One thing I would say though, it looks like it is soft on focus on the pylon and the stars. Might be down to me being on my phone or it could have been a knocked tripod or focus dial.
  Twingo Dynamique
A_Cro Thats a stacked image (which i presume is why the exif info cant be seen)... my one long exposure i put onto flickr and also into photog chat & questions as it had a strange mark on it, also, i didnt like it much!

The focus may well be out, i tried auto focusing it... but as it was low light it wouldnt do it itself... so i tried manual focus, and tbh didnt spend enough time trying to get it right, as i found it very difficult!

I'm currently stacking another set, but all of these have kinda been experiments, so that when i find a good location, and have a clean car, i can do them in confidence that i'm not wasting my time!

next experiment will be light painting/ stacking of a picture of the car to see how that works. :)

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Still soft on the focus. Remember to use manual. Auto focus on the dark is useless. And use the live view (zoomed in) to get the focus sharp.
Also, the white balance looks odd. Too blue.

DanJenks - read the stickies on here for a guide on star trials and have a look on Flickr too.
