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The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

  AMV8, Mk1 Golf

not a high quality pic by any means and i wish i could take my DSLR it just would be carnage haha, but i do like the pic
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
Anyone else good on? I have got very messy raving to Nero... But they're oh so mainstream now. :cool:

This wasn't a main stream gig tho.

There was shy fx, digital sound boy, Casper, the naughty boys and a couple of others I don't remember lll

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Got a few from Blackpool the other night. After getting them on the laptop, the quality is a bit poor. Lots of noise and probably the wrong settings for the exposure length but a couple came out ok.


What were you looking to achieve with the snail shot? The composition is odd, the cane is out of context in what appears to be a park? Only shot that I can see would be a macro close up of the rings on the snails shell. Otherwise its uninteresting.

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
^^ Just spotted that on Flickr. Looks lovely out there.

One from me this morning, I think it looks OK in B&W.

  Mk2 ph1 clio
Took this on friday night, like the photo... but not the fact that my camera is dying.. Hot pixels I think they call it... loads of multi coloured dots all over the photos :-( always int he same place too so its not bits of firework!


6 by GeordieClio, on Flickr
  2.2 bar shed.

Changing Lanes by SamPegler, on Flickr

Not my usual kind of thing as theres not a person in it! Gonna go back sometime during the week with some film and a tripod and give it the old college try as this one was a bit shabby, the compo's off and it was heavily cropped. That and I dont like where the sun is.

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Like this shot. Just wish it was a bit sharper on the dandelion with the little fly.

And I like this one too. Love the Sigma 105 2.8 lens
