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The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

I like the first one Piers, maybe try fitting a graduated filter upside down to prevent too many blown highlights. Looks like you had a good viewpoint up there, reminds me of the city if jaen in Spain when overlooking from the mountain above. I think with these type of shots it's also good to zoom in on details and abstracts.
  Italian 3.2 V6
Good idea, I didn't think of that. There is a higher mountain next too it which I want to also climb at night, so will give that a shot next time.
Well lads perhaps you can do me a favour and monitor the water and let me know if it ever becomes truly still for perfect reflections!;)
  Clio 182
Not sure why it has come out sideways but it took me 10 minutes to figure out how to get it on here and am I feck sitting here any longer lol


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
A couple from the British museum, damn place was soo bloody dark!!


Dat Beard! by scrooge89, on Flickr

Really liked this one even though it's shot through glass and not crisp at all..


Old Books by scrooge89, on Flickr

This one just fascinated me, kind of reminded me of the pictures I see of kids taking wheel barrows full of cash to buy a loaf of bread in Germany before the war...


Inflation by scrooge89, on Flickr

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Made a dome tool the other day and tried it out last night.
Went wrong. Put an extra circle of lights in and it didn't work. Threw in a quick orb over the center dome while I was at it.

Will be going back to the tool tonight and re-jigging it.


An orb to your domes by A_Cro, on Flickr

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Very nice.
I doubt domes will make an appearance in the comp. I've a few ideas but none include any light painting. Yet...
  Mito Sportiva 135
Brazo and SJK - what settings do you use for your night shots? Those are the kind of finishes I'm looking for but no idea how to go about them

Aaron - how are you altering your shutter speeds to get those sorts of effects?

Tony - just saw your photo too. Wow! Again what settings/lense did you use? I've only got an 18-105mm lense at the moment but would love to get shots like that.

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
I shoot manual. I had the ISO at 100, the aperture somewhere around the 20's I think and the shutter at around 1 second, maybe a bit quicker. Then I just kept a steady movement while the shutter was pressed. I was just messing around with the settings really after seeing something similar.
I want to do a few more with various colours this year.

As for the night photography. You'll need a tripod. Shoot a low ISO and a long shutter speed generally. Bring your aperture to around 5 ish and experiment.
Or look on Flickr. Type in the camera/lens you use and look for pictures similar to what you want to take. Then look at the exif data.
  Fiat Panda 100hp
Good work, what focal length was it shot at? I'll have to try this.



Shot it at 1/6th if a second. F/22 ISO 100. Just panned the camera across the horizon.
I've done a few of them recently. I want to do a few more with various colours.

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
55mm I think on my 55-250. Played around with various lenses and focal lengths. All depends what colours I can see through there.
