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The Motorist (Hub) Sherburn in Elmet

Matt Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Leon Cupra
Was relatively quiet today. Few Clio’s knocking about plus some other stuff.

Parked mine next to someone’s tidy blue Cup


North Yorkshire & Humber
ClioSport Area Rep
If you’re going down tomorrow I’d get there for as close to 10 as you can as it’ll be rammed and the field is like a bog.

Short Norman

ClioSport Club Member
  997 C4S
I went on 21st Dec (got there about 11) and it was very busy. It hadn't been raining much then and the grass was boggy as hell. I'd expect tomorrow to be absolutely rammed and if we get all the rain they are forecasting they'll be towing cars out.

I also expect tomorrows blood/alcohol level will not allow me to get behind the wheel of a car until Friday 🤣


ClioSport Club Member
@leeds_182 had the right idea to turn up early, I arrived about 9:25 and managed to get parked in the main car park. By 11 when I was leaving, the boggy field was being used. A good turn out, some nice cars and plenty from the Monster energy crew...

Matt Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Leon Cupra
Right which day is usually busier, the Saturday “theme” day or the regular Sunday cars and coffee? I know it’s still the colder months so both days might be quiet. But as it’s a fair drive for me I want to get the most out of the day.


ClioSport Club Member
Mr twin engine Corsa ain't happy.


Short Norman

ClioSport Club Member
  997 C4S
Did he just load it up and leave without speaking to anyone?

Wonder if they have replied to his post yet (I didn't go through all the 300+ comments).


North Yorkshire & Humber
ClioSport Area Rep
I think he’s over reacting to be honest.

Says I’ll pick it up between 3 and 5.

Comes after 3 and it’s outside ready to load up.

Staff probably see him loading it up so let him get on with it.

Short Norman

ClioSport Club Member
  997 C4S
I think he’s over reacting to be honest.

Says I’ll pick it up between 3 and 5.

Comes after 3 and it’s outside ready to load up.

Staff probably see him loading it up so let him get on with it.
I think one of his issues is that it's a drag car with no locks and you don't need a key to start it, so anyone could have jumped in and driven it off.

Plus I bet no one has ever driven it other than him, and he wanted to be there when it was being moved.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Is it ideal that it was outside unlocked etc? No

Did it get nicked? No

Has he overreacted? Probably

If he wasn’t happy, why didn’t he just go inside and have a word with them rather than doing a video where he just looks like a little worm?


ClioSport Club Member
  VW T5.1
Is it ideal that it was outside unlocked etc? No

Did it get nicked? No

Has he overreacted? Probably

If he wasn’t happy, why didn’t he just go inside and have a word with them rather than doing a video where he just looks like a little worm?

It says he did go inside and couldn't find anyone.


ClioSport Club Member
I'd piss my pants if it gets stolen from his garage now he's told the world it's not locked and can be started with a lolly stick. I bet cars in the Arnage aren't allowed to have batteries or fuel in them and I can't see there not being any staff at all around while he pissed about with it. Blokes a lemon.
