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    • andybond
      andybond replied to the thread Wifi/Internet problems.
      I was suggesting the wireless initially to rule out a fault on the cable. If it’s fast on WiFi , must be cable. I take your point...
    • andybond
      andybond reacted to rctempire's post in the thread The 'I work in I.T' thread with Like Like.
      Very possible. Dave definitely did something like that. But its "always worked" and never had any issues. Except when the moon is on...
    • andybond
      andybond replied to the thread Wifi/Internet problems.
      They also have wireless back haul model dependent!
      • IMG_3973.jpeg
    • andybond
      andybond replied to the thread The 'I work in I.T' thread.
      I swear we work at the same place. I bet a whole british pound it was "encoded" in Excel and had a smattering of VBA from Dave that...
    • andybond
      andybond replied to the thread The 'I work in I.T' thread.
      Saw a 25% uplift on one account. "We didnt budget for that" Start --> Powershell --> Stop-computer -force
    • andybond
      andybond replied to the thread The 'I work in I.T' thread.
      I think its going to take another route yet. Hybrid colo. The management stack will be SAAS but the physical tin will be on...
    • andybond
      andybond reacted to rctempire's post in the thread The 'I work in I.T' thread with Like Like.
      Heres the thing, MS Exchange will never go back on premise. Fact. However, infrastructure and servers will go back on prem / colo...
    • andybond
      andybond replied to the thread Wifi/Internet problems.
      Backhaul is a method for shunting data from the current access point back to the main one thats connected to the outside world. Some...
    • andybond
      andybond reacted to Andy_con's post in the thread Wifi/Internet problems with Like Like.
      for just £10 im getting a cat6 cable today
    • andybond
      andybond replied to the thread Wifi/Internet problems.
      I dont like to assume , so I didnt know if you had a point to point cable , or running over powerline for instance. Hence question...
    • andybond
      andybond replied to the thread Wifi/Internet problems.
      The speed difference could be many things including RF interference either from the original deco or from another device. You dont...
    • andybond
      andybond replied to the thread Wifi/Internet problems.
      Are you hardwire testing both hubs? Compare them when wired. It could be something like a QoS policy doing some magic on the deco
    • andybond
      andybond reacted to Donny_Dog's post in the thread The 'I work in I.T' thread with Haha Haha.
      I don't have any funny IT work stories I can think of at the minute. But.... When I was about 19, just starting out, I got a job at a...
    • andybond
      andybond reacted to Crayola's post in the thread The 'I work in I.T' thread with Haha Haha.
      "Push it to prod on Friday afternoon" *DC OPS stares in disgust*
    • andybond
      andybond reacted to Gray's post in the thread The 'I work in I.T' thread with Haha Haha.
      I've had a few funnies... - Senior manager on a call, forgot to mute himself at one point... Soon realised he was on the toilet...
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