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The PH1 172 Appreciation Thread.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 172,2001
Lol....yes it is a flat screen tv...and i was doing 60mph around the country roads,70 on the motorway and only did 3 overtakes..


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 172,2001
On the way back from the trip to wales the eml came on...when i got home plugged in the engine diagnostics and it was the catalyst system efficiency below threshold,3k ago had a new clutch....,front shock absorber recently replaced,....What i`m trying to say is that although the ph1 is a good car they can be a tad expensive.

Its silver though ;)

On the way back from the trip to wales the eml came on...when i got home plugged in the engine diagnostics and it was the catalyst system efficiency below threshold,3k ago had a new clutch....,front shock absorber recently replaced,....What i`m trying to say is that although the ph1 is a good car they can be a tad expensive.

All cars are expensive. Touch wood all my clio's have been dirt cheap to run/maintain its just my addiction to messing about with them that makes them expensive.
  PH1 loads of boost!
^^^That just doesn't look right IMO. Don't know why just looks a bit odd.
Craig. Gotta say I prefer the darker wheels. Although it still wouldn't stop me pinching your car if I knew where you lived ;)
Facepalmlands you mean Wayne ;)

Pipe down, that set that came on my flamer were still going strong when I sold them again when I broke the silver ph1 last year. They are indestructible, although s**t.

That set must of covered 60k by the time I sold them the second time, I wasnt even going to sell them someone offered to buy them!


Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
They are indestructible, although s**t.

Boom! I found them to be so soft that if it was set any lower than sportline height they rubbed. It meant I raised it to sportline height and then they were fine, but not as good as new shocks and sportlines which kinda defeated the whole point for me. BUT, I did make money on them so every cloud and that!
Boom! I found them to be so soft that if it was set any lower than sportline height they rubbed. It meant I raised it to sportline height and then they were fine, but not as good as new shocks and sportlines which kinda defeated the whole point for me. BUT, I did make money on them so every cloud and that!

Do you not remember this car? the silver one. It didnt rub, it had no adjusters on the rear and was wound down silly low at the front. Your set were obviously to a higher level of s**t than they normally are lol

And it had 25mm / 5 mm spacers and willy wheels (higher offset iiiiirc)



Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Oh I remember it but maybe I just drove it harder :p (or because I weigh twice what you weigh!)

This was the height when I got it




You could hear the driveshaft rubbing badly off the inner arch when this pic was taken



ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
I took them off the day I sold it to him.
You sure you have the right running gear?? Lol
