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The viper has landed.

Well I finally finished the job and installed the viper properly. On Monday night I removed the "mistery valve" and now I finished laying the intake.

I found a pretty good way to remove the mistery valve in my oppionion and it was to remove it from below. Dont know if anyone else has done it that way but it worked well after I had tried to remove the left headlamp and the bumper without any luck. I first jacked up the car behind the left front tire and the removed the plastic cover below the valve. Through the hole that opened there you can see the two horns and just over them is the one bolt that holds the valve. If you remove the bolt you can pull the valve down through the hole and then release the strange solinoid sensor. Now you can fit a good tube down through where the valve was, bent it at the bottom and fit it behind the grill. Then you can fit the solinoid sensor again with a strap and youre good to go.

The car sound amazing and it seems to work better, at least a big difference from the K&N kit I had. Im going to go to the drag strip tomorrow night and do a few runs to see the difference and will keep you posted.

Heres some pics of the viper and the install
