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throttle body control sensor/idle control sensor

  megane 285 sport
are these the same sensor, if so is there one on a 172 sport mk2, where is it located and whats it looks like, pictures would be good if youve got them, could this sensor cause your engine to cut out when stopping ( revs falling back to idle) thanks guys hope you can help.
  Lionel Richie
yes as idle is controlled by the FBW motor

you're local, do you want to try a different (working) throttle body to see if it fixes it before shelling out £300+
  megane 285 sport
well i was going to try and clean it out first, because ive had matched inlet fitted, so they mite of maulled it when changing it over. what do you recon to use to clean it, could it be the cams that am causing it to cut out when stopping or this throttle unit being mucked up, yozza, never heard of on here.
  Lionel Richie
carb cleaner if fine, but if its knackered internally there's nowt you can do!

we're up at junc14 M6, but i live in Solihull and travel up and down the M6 all the time, so if you want to borrow a throttle body to try let me know!
  megane 285 sport
thats sound mate, i will try and clean it first, as this was messed with when i had me cams and manifold changed, it wasnt doin it before, i was told it was cams that was causing it, its ok when driving, sometimes abit heisitent at low revs it just when stoppiing sudden, and now and again it will rev by itself, so i cant see it being faulty as it dont do it all the time. i dont live that far from junction 10 M6, in coseley. oh yeh, what you mean by carb cleaner, redex or something similar.
  megane 285 sport
tried cleaning it out, still the same, i even checked that the sensors in the plemun work, the black one on the left when pulling the plug of it, it cut out, but when unplugging the grey one on the right, it didnt effect the engine one bit, what is this sensor, what shoul the engine do if you unplug it, get back to me guys, im plucking at straws here
  megane 285 sport
what should the engine do when running if you unplugged it. mine did f**k all. it ran the same, could the spark plugs cayse it to cut out when stooping too fast.
  megane 285 sport
what should the engine do when running if you unplugged it. mine did f**k all. it ran the same, could the spark plugs cause it to cut out when stooping too fast.
  megane 285 sport
i know that it has trouble starting when cold, cus it had no clip before and ket cuming loose, and wouldnt start...............So how about the spark plugs, you think that could cause it to cut out when the revs drop. im trying to rule out the simplier thingss now.
