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Time for my insurance rant!


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
ok was
clio 172
1 years NCB
£600 a year

my renue price comes up as

Clio 182
2years NCB
£749 WTF

Same company everything, they only changed me £20ish when i changed over to my 182 to!

Hmmm maybe if i insure the 172 again then change it to the 182 the day after.....
  Audi TT
tell them you've had a better quote elsewhere and then they will drop it. Insurance company's are like mobile telephone one's they will have your pants down yet hit them with a competitor and they buckle and match it!

  Abarth Grande Punto
if they have a website, do a like for like quote as a new customer and get your quote ref and they will match the online price quoted. Works every-time for me with admiral. elephant etc
^ yep that worked for me too when I was with them (elephant) The difference was amazing, sometimes it was over £300 ! Jokers !
^ lol, no it's not, it's called "insurance companies hoping that you will just accept the renewal quote"
  M2 Competition
^ lol, no it's not, it's called "insurance companies hoping that you will just accept the renewal quote"

Yus. If you're with elephant play the elephant - bell game... change between company each year and they'll get cheaper and cheaper, despite being the same company.

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
if they have a website, do a like for like quote as a new customer and get your quote ref and they will match the online price quoted. Works every-time for me with admiral. elephant etc
i may sound dumb but can some one explain this in more depth please?

sorry for invading your thread aswell, rollo:eek:
Right, say they send you a renewal quote of say £900
Go on their site as a new customer, copy the details down (identically to your policy) and it'll be less - get the reference number, call them up & ask them to match it.

It's worth noting that with elephant if you put your correct nmae & dob in if you have a policy with them, they'll clock it.

What I used to do was put say my dads name in & a dob a few days before my own one.
  M2 Competition
Rather than accept their renewal quote, fill in the new customer form on their website.

Will give you an online quote which is usually a fair bit cheaper than what theyre quoting you for renewal! Ring them up and they should honour this.
