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Time limit on PAC

Hypothetical question.

If I have a contract running with one Service Provider, but I want to start a new contract with another one (O2 for the iPhone), what sort of time line could I run both contracts for, and then port my number over?

i.e. voda runs out at the end of this year, but so sick of the blackberry and want an iPhone, through O2. Would want my original number to move over once the voda one ends in about 5 months time.
IIRC, and it was a few years ago when i used to work for them, it used to be within the first 14 days, might be 30 maximum. They certantly wouldnt let you do it after 5 months.
  Track 172cup
PAC code expires after 30days (well thats what i was told by vodaphone a few weeks ago when i requested mine)
  SLK250 CDI
You have two options, 1) if O2 will let you port in the number in 5 months time (from the above, it doesn't sound like they will) then you wait and get your PAC from Vodafone at the time and then give it to O2. 2) just get the PAC from Vodafone now, although you will have to pay off the rest of your contract with them. Then give it to O2 and get your number ported across.

O2 let me port in a few months after I had got the phone, although I was on PAYG rather than contract so probably different.
That's what I mean, could I get it at the end of my contract with voda and change the number on the O2 contract?


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Voda wont give you the pac until the end of the contract.

If you get a contract with o2 you can port to a new number at ANY point in that contract term.

New o2 contract = Temp Number ---- 3 months passes---- Voda gives pac, you use said pac on o2.
Cheers Tom. Spoke to both companies this evening, due to the fact that Voda had not passed on contact numbers to the courier for my new Storm replacement, so have been without a phone all day and will be the same tomorrow. Such a bore. Phoned up O2 and ordering one this weekend.
