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  White Sti Hatch
Ok ive had my camera for maybe a week or so and been snapping away just wondering what you think of the pics ive done so far and could you give me some tips on how to improve and what settings really to use for the static shots.





Any Tips would be greatly appreciated.

I like the last one, but composition wise, going by the "rules" it would be better if the car was facing the other way so its travelling "into" the picture if you get what I mean..
  White Sti Hatch
I like the last one, but composition wise, going by the "rules" it would be better if the car was facing the other way so its travelling "into" the picture if you get what I mean..

Yeah i know what your saying, first pics i took thing was just out the box lol :)

On all of them from memory i was just playing with the Aperture Priority going higher and lower on the numbers but to be honest i dont see any diffrence in the focus of the images, is it the fact that im not trying to single out a certian area if you get me ? like in an uber close up


I think the last pic has potential, to create a sense of distance turn the car around like revels said and try and position yourself so the kerb is left of centre of the picture, straight lines going away from the camera (Roads, pathways etc, help) the last pic just looks a little too flat.

3rd pic is my favourite, maybe just a tad to the left to get the whole of the blue door in as I think the car is too central.

Centrality isn't always a key element to getting a good picture of your chosen subject.

Good efforts for out of the box though.

Before you know it you will be posting images with superb DOF and some amazing HDRI's LOL
  106 GTI
Try playing with the shutter speed insted of the aperture. Also if possible set the wb to custom and set your own as it will give the colors a richer look

I found for standing photos especially when light is fading that a tripod works the best and for about £10 you can get one from asda
  106 GTI

Also photoshop is your friend.
I increased the levels then,
increased the saturation,
cropped the photo
and a border makes it look professional lol



Also photoshop is your friend.
I increased the levels then,
increased the saturation,
cropped the photo
and a border makes it look professional lol

Now photoshop the graffiti to say RENAULT and its win win win. lol

Cropping does make a difference, get rid of all the dead space, nice effort.
