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Tired of my subwoofer?

  MK2 Clio
Right, I am sick of having this bloody subwoofer in my boot. Now I like dubstep (Haters hate elsewhere) and other bass-y music and was wondering if I have any relatively cheapish alternatives? - thanks in advance
  RS6 C7
Right, I am sick of having this bloody subwoofer in my boot. Now I like dubstep (Haters hate elsewhere) and other bass-y music and was wondering if I have any relatively cheapish alternatives? - thanks in advance

Yep, Unplug it, Cost £0
Mine got broken into and stolen - problem solved.

You could get an under-seat sub and a decent set of components to retain some sound quality.
  clio / mondeo 2.2
tell you what as I'm new here.... I'll take it off your hands for you!! lol

of course you'll have to rent some of my boot space for me to 'store' it..... but I'm sure we can come to some arrangement!! lol
  MK2 Clio
Lol @ ScaredPassenger, @Will - they seem expensive though, are there any door speakers that are particularly good, or are 6x9s bassy?
  clio / mondeo 2.2
6 x 9's will obviously free your boot up but you will have high frequencies all over the shop and dare I say it might sound a bit gash!! though you can get bass only 6 x 9's (or you used to be able to!) so they might be ok!?


ClioSport Club Member
I got myself one of these when I got sick of only having half a boot. It's only tiny and takes up a small corner and still has one hell of a punch.


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  MK2 Clio
What are component speakers? + the mdf rings I have seen them done, are they diy and what is the benefit? - sorry I'm not an audio man, cheers
  clio / mondeo 2.2
components are mid bass and tweeters seperately as a package normally with a crossover to separate the frequencies, you can buy ready made mdf rings on ebay in most widths and depths, but then you dont get to feel like a mans man with ya jigsaw and loads of sawdust all over your lounge floor!!
  MK2 Clio
components are mid bass and tweeters seperately as a package normally with a crossover to separate the frequencies, you can buy ready made mdf rings on ebay in most widths and depths, but then you dont get to feel like a mans man with ya jigsaw and loads of sawdust all over your lounge floor!!

So are comonents a good middle ground for not having a boot full of wood and a silly looking speaker?
  clio / mondeo 2.2
So are comonents a good middle ground for not having a boot full of wood and a silly looking speaker?

not really a comparable sound as a sub is a massive driver compared to most components commonly available, a sub will drive far more air at much lower frequencies than a component speaker is likely to ever drive, so basically if your looking for a system that will get the birds quivering, use a sub, if you want to just enjoy some good quality tunes without a sub, get some components, JL do some wicked sets as do Focal and Rainbow, there are plenty out there but all the decent components will require amping to get the best out of them! so you will more than likely still end up with an amp in ya boot!!
  Clio 182
On my headunit I can switch my sub off which is a life saver sometimes because sometimes I want to drive off a clif when is on lol
  clio 5door sport rep
i bought a underseat sub..... dosnt fit under the seat lol. only 500 w tho and the sound is good. nothing to chavvish. just enough to make the sound better.
