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Tis a sad day indeed for me and my 172

  2005 Audi A3 3.2 Quattro

Since losing my work contract last month Ive had to come to the realisation that I have to sell my beloved 172.

Im really really sad about this as the car was going great and I was intending on keeping her for a good few years.

I was down at the Renault dealer yesterday but they are no help as theyve taken over the stock of another Renault dealer whove closed down so they would only take the car "if they can get it for a steal" which is about 2000 less than I want for her which is 1000 less than they normally go for, so looks like Ill be selling privately (hopefully no joy riders come along).

I had a great time on these forums and will still pop in on occasion to see how things are going. and who knows, maybe when things look up again Ill be back in a 172 or whatever Renault model is the top dog hot hatch performer of the time.

  Megane 225 baby! :)

sorry to hear your news, i know i wouldnt want to part with my "baby" unless absolutely necessary! keep smiling :)

Just thought id add a little somthing....................... Dearly beloved....we are gathered here witness the sad departing of a heart broked owner from his deeply loved pride & joy................let us all stand & sing hymn no:523 "Thy clios my saviour thou shall not waine" !.......

:devilish: anyway.....enough of that sh*te i think the guys lyin......hes been cheatin on sure i saw him round the bike sheds with a saxo last week !!..................init viceroy.....?? :devilish:

he he he..... good luck mate ! youall come bak soon now yah hear ?? ;)
