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to good to be true??(insurance quote)


im 17, and have just sold my mk1. Im hopefully picking up a 1.2 dynamique on thursday, so i am just checking out the insurance. As i have ranted on my other thread, the cheapest i found was £1700 in my own name, and they wont let me pay monthly either.

This morning i was quoted £295 as a named driver on my dads insurance ( who also insures 2 other vechiles) but its with direct line so i apparantly would earn ncb aswell??

so thats

option 1) £1800 on my own insurance earning ncb
option 2) £295 on my dads insurance but still earning ncb

have i got that right or am i missing something??
  '52 clio 1.2 16V
lol well its christams. maybe there feeling nice... but i was quoted minimum 1800 as a named driver with direct line not long this month. you didnt accidently put "spouse" under the "relation to driver" section did you? i accidently did this and it dropped from 1800 to 400. thought all my luck had come at once until i realised.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Sounds about right, mine was £320 on a 1.2 corsa at 18


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
lol so they though you where your dads 17 year old male wife?
  RB 182 Cup
when i was getting my insurance it was really high then found some stupid low like like that but when i phoned up to order it was only for my mum and dad :mad: i dont like how they do it, they take you off the insurance without telling you which is gay becuase you could buy it and be uninsured :( if i was you i would give them a bell and see what they have to say, if you get it for £295 then that would make your year!!
lol...yeah just checked it. If i put it as 'other' instead of spouse it has put it up to £1750!! how frustrating, i thought i was on to a winner there!!


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
well why don't you try Norwich Union, i was paying less than £350 when i was 18, 19 and 20 on my dads name. you don't earn any no claims, but why do you need to?
  '52 clio 1.2 16V
i dont understand how the insurence companies come up with these quotes

1) if i was married to my dad ( yes i know..but follow were im going with this) it would cost £400 to add me to the insurence at 17 0ncb etc.

2) now if i'm exactly the same person, yet im my dads son its suddenly £1700 minimum. exactly the same details as before.

what is the actual difference between these two situations? i'm still exactly the same person, still related to my dad etc.

whats also annoying is the only options they give you wen selecting the relationship to main driver is spouse, partner & other. now even brothers, mothers fathers etc have to put other, which classes them in exactly in the same category as some bloke that lives down the road. grr rant over


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
well i'm 21 my insurance on my 172 is £907, i have 0NCB, so whats the point spending about £1500 when yout 17, 18,19, and 20, for that 4 yearsNCB that will have cost 6k? When you could have paid about £300 on your rents name only costing £1200 over the 4 years?
