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tom tom 910

  renault clio 172
right i use a tom tom 700 every day and find it excellant,its now 18 mths old so thinking of upgrading for the 910 version wondering if anyone out there has tried both before i sell the 700 and find the 910 aint as good cheers


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Have you upgraded your 700 to the latest version?

You really dont gain a great deal of usefull functionality.

If it was me i would buy the hardwire kit for the 700 and upgrade the maps.
  renault clio 172
have done that allready as i am registered with tom tom for upgrades ,what i am thinking of is more the mp3 side of the 910 as driving home only have radio in lorry ,which you cant do with 700


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Thats true, but the audio quality is less than great.

There are new tomtom products announced next week, one has 910 functionality but with an FM transmitter.
  Fabia vRS
i have a 710 and i haven't bothered buying the ipod adapter for it cos the sound quality isn't great unless u were really really desperate.
I have the 910 and bought it for £499 from dixons and its gone down so much.

Personally, I would buy a tom tom one as they are so compact and would get a little ipod to play music through there, i would not use the tom tom it has about 100 functions you will never use.

The good thing about the 910 is the euro and USA maps, plus the little pouch you get for it, all the extras including the external aerial and the remote :)

Worthwhile toy but I might have gone for the one now, (dont know if it has bluetooh, i like that functionality.
