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Tomb Raider

Mr Squashie

CSF Harvester
ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Looking forward to these. I replayed the first game using OpenLara which looked amazing, but I'd love to play through 2 and 3 with upgraded graphics. I've got them both on my PS1 Classic but it's eye-rapingly bad on a 55inch TV 😂

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Never really been that much of a fan of the earlier stuff, but the recent trilogy reboots have been very good.

I'd probably say that the 1st game was my favourite in the modern offerings.


ClioSport Club Member


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
I’ve got this on my wish list, it’s currently at £25 I think I’ll wait when it drops in price. How long time was to complete the games?


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 16v/172 daily
Anyone played it yet? Iv heard even with updated controlls they are still a bit shitty to use. Tempted to pick it up


ClioSport Club Member
Not got it yet but I'll buy it soon. All I remember from the original was how cool lara was jumping about dual wielding those pistols while fighting that dinosaur.


ClioSport Club Member
  Straight 6
I got it, controls take some getting used to but it brings back memories!


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Picked this up for nostalgia feels. Not left the house yet, but it’s done incredibly well.

It’s funny though, the remaster graphics are what Tomb Raider looked like in my head, until you then switch to the originals.

Can’t wait to lock the butler in the freezer.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
So close to being perfect.

Save system is a mess, and no level select is odd. I swear you could select levels on the original.

Otherwise, it’s brilliant, so well done. Not bothered with the modern controls, muscle memory from 25 years ago is still there 😂


ClioSport Club Member
So close to being perfect.

Save system is a mess, and no level select is odd. I swear you could select levels on the original.

Otherwise, it’s brilliant, so well done. Not bothered with the modern controls, muscle memory from 25 years ago is still there 😂
I'm tempted by it but I have so many games to play I've bought and not touched, what platform are you playing on?


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
I'm tempted by it but I have so many games to play I've bought and not touched, what platform are you playing on?

Series X mate.

I love it, but loved the originals. If you didn’t like the originals and expect it to play like a modern game…you won’t like it. At all.

Mr Squashie

CSF Harvester
ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
I tried the modern controls and promptly fell off a ledge onto a bear and then died while trying to figure out which button drew my guns. Never again.


ClioSport Club Member
Series X mate.

I love it, but loved the originals. If you didn’t like the originals and expect it to play like a modern game…you won’t like it. At all.
I had the original two on PS1, the mansion was always my favourite part of the game though!


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Anyone still playing?

Finished the Opera House TR2 level last night and it’s bloody hard. I was convinced I completed the game as a kid, but after this, I’m pretty sure I must have just used the skip level cheats and just played the opening area.

Loving it though. 25+ years old and having way more fun with the games than any new stuff.


ClioSport Moderator
Anyone still playing?

Finished the Opera House TR2 level last night and it’s bloody hard. I was convinced I completed the game as a kid, but after this, I’m pretty sure I must have just used the skip level cheats and just played the opening area.

Loving it though. 25+ years old and having way more fun with the games than any new stuff.
My new PlayStation is doing its best x box impression.

I.e not being turned on.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 16v/172 daily
Anyone still playing?

Finished the Opera House TR2 level last night and it’s bloody hard. I was convinced I completed the game as a kid, but after this, I’m pretty sure I must have just used the skip level cheats and just played the opening area.

Loving it though. 25+ years old and having way more fun with the games than any new stuff.
Completed TR1 and started TR2. There's absolutely no way I completed any of these games as a kid even though I recall certain levels

Iv had to give it a break though. Will pick it up again. I hear TR3 is the hardest of the lot

Mr Squashie

CSF Harvester
ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Started Quicksave Simulator 2 Tomb Raider 2 today, I must have skipped this when I was a boy because I don't remember it at all, despite having fond memories of 1 and 3.

God the combat is terrible. I wish there was an OpenLara version of this instead of the remaster because they made the guns a bit more effective. I know they were s**t in the original game but I thought they might have been a bit better in a game where you actually have enemies who shoot back at you and can't miss 🤣


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Yeah, the first level in 2 makes you think it’s more of that same, but with a difficultly spike. And then, boom, enemies who can shoot you through walls.

Still enjoying it though, about 3/4 of the way through 2.


ClioSport Club Member
I finally picked this up at Christmas and put it in my PS5 for the first time this week as I'm off sick.

Controls are horrendous, I just cant get used to it. Is there a particular control setting I should be using? It does feel like it would work better on a controller without analogue sticks, as originally intended I guess.


ClioSport Club Member
The 'tank' controls are the ps1 method and really don't work with the sticks. Change that setting for most of the time and only use tank controls when you need to jump backwards or sideways on ramps etc because that doesn't work with the modern controls. It's definitely not the best of any worlds.
