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too young to drive a reno sport!!

  Burgandy 174 sport t
Im 24 and on my third reno sport, first one at 20. I have never had any problems getting insurance quotes before and have never paid more than 800 quid.

Renewal is due (£521, been a naughty boy) and I have been phoning for new quotes and the amount of companys sayin I am too young is nuts. I think Il just accept the renwal which is directline btw!!

Anyone else finding the same
  Monaco Blue 172 (56/468)
id stick with directline - they were the only company to give me a sensible quote on my 182 when i was 21, companies like norwich union just laughed so id never consider swapping!!
  Titanium 182
yeah, im 21 and direct line had the best quote

£1074 a year, which is great as majority wouldnt insure me, or were giving quotes of £3000 +
  2016 Audi RS3
A couple of years ago (I was about 22-23 at the time) I rang a company to try and insure my MK2 Golf GTI 8v (which is not a quick car btw).

I was told "Sorry. We don't think it is sensible to insure people under the age of 30 on sports cars". I tried to explain to her it was a fairly heavy, slow family hatchback but she obviously didn't have a clue. Wasn't even interested in ANY of my details, just my age and the type of car and that was it.
  Burgandy 174 sport t
seems its gettin harder to insure cars then!! gonna be plenty more uninsured t***s out there too then!!
  MK1 1.2 Clio Biarritz
i know a boy at my college hes 17 he has a 2litre 16v clio sport
pays 9000 a year lol 3rd part
  Golf R soon...
When I 1st spoke to Elephant about getting insured on the 182 last year, they said I have to be over 25! lol
  Evo 6, E92 320d
Im with direct line atm, good prices, although they wouldn't insure me on a VTR until i'm 21.

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Oh what you been up to Iain, tsk tsk!

Ive been with NUD for years but wouldnt cover the 172 so Im now with DL for that as well, seemed to be the best.
Im about £470 full comp.

5 yrs ncb, passed in 2000, aged 27, mum on car insurance too.

No accidents, convictions, claims, use of bike and 2nd car.


ClioSport Club Member
Im 24 and on my third reno sport, first one at 20. I have never had any problems getting insurance quotes before and have never paid more than 800 quid.

Renewal is due (£521, been a naughty boy) and I have been phoning for new quotes and the amount of companys sayin I am too young is nuts. I think Il just accept the renwal which is directline btw!!

Anyone else finding the same

£521 stop being a tight c**t and pay it haha i pay that in 2 months! too young to insure one at 24 like u say tho is nuts!

guy didnt even laugh at me when i phoned up to insure mine at 18 lol im with admiral btw
just had a quote ona e46 m3 £840 bargain thats the only quote i got too pissed a manager off at work as it seems her is paying more for his m3 and he is in his 40's !
  RS6+ & 40d MSport X5
my insurance is up on the 22nd been driving 7 yr £1400 renewal..
managed 2 get it 4 £630 off tesco.. im 25
I got mine with tesco, about £650 iirc, that's at 21 and 3 no claims so a lot of yours seem high. I had the same with NUD when I rung them, have to be over 25.
  Tangoed Works
aint a r****d, and ent rich, but one of dem guys thats VERY dodgy, always by himself even though he aint a loner, maybe hes a drug dealer lol

Na hes just plain old talking s**t!!

Defo talking s**t, most of these dodgy low lifes dont even have insurance or licences. He will either stack it soon, get nicked, or get shot. Stick with what you got for now, the wait makes it all worthwhile when you finallly get it.

Feels nice when you have your things legit as well. No 1 can say anything to you!
