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Took my Clio for a service, now my wiper jets have a mind of their own

  '20 Zoe, '09 V70
Hi CS,
I took my Mk4 dCi for a service and there was a wiper recall I got a letter about ages back, but forgot to get around to sorting it. Basically the wipers would stick to the windscreen if it was icy... anyway.

I dropped it off, got lost in Ikea for about a week :tongueout: and then collected it. Drove home in the rain and noticed the wipers don't go as close to the edge of the glass on the right hand side which isn't a bother, but one thing that I did notice is that every time without fail triggering the rear wiper jet also triggers the front ones! It doesn't set the front wipers off though.

Oddly enough my old Mk2 had the same problem but that was every so often.

Any idea why it does this? Did Renault just balls the job up? Seems odd 2 very different Clios had the same issue is all.


ClioSport Club Member
Sounds like they have buggered something up. Ours went in for the same recall in August and we have no such issue and the wipers reach as far as they did before. Take it back.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
You could be scouring the interwebz for solutions. The sensible thing would be a good nights sleep and a call in the am.

Just an idea :)


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Odd recall, every car I’ve had the wipers stick to the glass when icy?


ClioSport Club Member
Odd recall, every car I’ve had the wipers stick to the glass when icy?
The recall was because the wiper mechanism could be damaged if the wipers are activated while they are frozen to the screen. Don't know what they did to it but it sounds more like user error to me than a dodgy part. I guess auto wipers might not help though.
  '20 Zoe, '09 V70
Take it back to them?

Sounds like they have buggered something up. Ours went in for the same recall in August and we have no such issue and the wipers reach as far as they did before. Take it back.

I was hoping to avoid taking it back as they take bloody ages to do anything - either get there for 8am or 1pm and spend anything up to 4 hours sat doing nothing. I was hoping it could potentially be a DIY job to be honest! The wipers are definitely different - I haven't cleaned it for a few months because I'm a pansy and don't like the cold so there's a line in the muck on the glass where it used to reach to and a new one where it reaches now.

Odd recall, every car I’ve had the wipers stick to the glass when icy?

You'd think that'd be obvious, but apparently according to Renault it's a new and whacky concept that cold things freeze together with enough humidity in the air :tongueout:

Sounds like you took it to Arnold Shark in Warrington, good luck 😞

A fellow unhappy customer I'm guessing? :tonguewink: I've had my last free service and I'm not even going back for the last 2 MOTs that I've paid for. Total bunch of scumbags run that place, the manager especially I have quite a particular distain for! I'd not recommend Arnold Clark to anybody after my experience, put it that way...

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
I live near there and know it well.

Sounds like the wiper arms haven't been put back on in the exact same position. The spindles are splined and it can be a bit tricky to get them to where they were previously, but should be do able

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
who the hell doesn't unstick their wipers when its obviously icy before they get in the car? blummin lazy kids of today, back when I were a lad we didn't have glass, grumble grumble etc etc
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