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Tracker devices-not worth s**t

Just caught some of Car Wars currently on bbc1 investigating organised car crime. A lot of stolen cars were being exported to Nigeria so they fitted a Nigerian police helicopter with a tracker reciever. During a short 20min flight they picked up 16 british stolen cars with Trackers still activated, its funny they dont mention that in the adverts. When I bought the 182 I avoided any insurance company that insisted on tracking devices and instead had Clifford Blackjax fitted, at least if the car is stolen-even with the keys-they wont get more than a couple of miles away.

Quote: Originally posted by tinhead on 27 October 2004

instead had Clifford Blackjax fitted, at least if the car is stolen-even with the keys-they wont get more than a couple of miles away.
If they want your car they will have it.

All these tracking programs have weekeness. GPS doesnt work in tunnels thats one way round it, take the car to a tunnel and remove the tracker there.

to be fair africa is full of stolen gear, cars lorries all sorts, saw a similar programme about 6 months ago on it.

The tracker is designed for countries that are not what youd call lawless, in the uk you will find they are well effective, ask a policeman, they luv em.

At the end of the day if a lorry full of nicked motors has made it all the way to africa, and they do every day, its surely customs who are useless?

When the doors are closed and the car starts moving you have about 20 secs to enter a simple code(only 2 buttons). If the correct code is not entered a beeper will sound and the brake lights flash(to warn following drivers the car is about to stop) for about 15 secs then the immobiliser will stop the car and the alarm sounds.

The idea is that the thief has enough time to get a safe distance away from the driver before the car cuts out and the alarm sounds leaving him stranded in the road where hopefully he will just abandon the car.

It will also activate if somebody pulls you out of the car when the engine is running ie. at traffic lights.

The only problem is sometimes I still forget even after 4 months, including one time driving out of the pit lane at Anglsey:oops:

Never seen the point in fitting a tracker/blackjax type devices to 172/182 etc if someone nicks it you could replace it easily. Fit this stuff when you get a rare car but not a Clio :confused:

Bang, the stolen cars were from this country and they managed to get all the way to Nigeria with the trackers activated, how "effective" is that.

The police like anything that makes their job easier-speed cameras, trackers, cctv etc...

Trackers are cool - all Met police area cars (Vectras/530s) have the receiver mounted on top of the dash and a screen lights up with a directional arrow and a code when it detects a tracker in range :)

The Blackjax was only about £120 Neil, not much to pay for some extra piece of mind.

"if someone nicks it you could replace it easily"

Even if the Clio is easy to replace I still dont want to make it easy for the thieving scum:mad:
  Street Triple R

I had a Tracker on my Evo, and i think (although i never needed it) that it is a great idea, Maybe in Africa or whatever there is no point but there certainly is over here

whats the point with the tracker on a clio its hardly a rare car just pop next door and borrow thers. only reason an insurance company would want a tracker on a 172/182 is if you lived in bloody bagdad, its not exactly the most desireable of cars is it
  2005 Audi A3 3.2 Quattro

Quote: Originally posted by tinhead on 28 October 2004

When the doors are closed and the car starts moving you have about 20 secs to enter a simple code(only 2 buttons). If the correct code is not entered a beeper will sound and the brake lights flash(to warn following drivers the car is about to stop) for about 15 secs then the immobiliser will stop the car and the alarm sounds.

The idea is that the thief has enough time to get a safe distance away from the driver before the car cuts out and the alarm sounds leaving him stranded in the road where hopefully he will just abandon the car.

It will also activate if somebody pulls you out of the car when the engine is running ie. at traffic lights.

The only problem is sometimes I still forget even after 4 months, including one time driving out of the pit lane at Anglsey:oops: <SCRIPT language=javascript>

Unfoturtunately that doesnt always work and there have been cases over here in SA where a driver was hijacked but the driver was kept in the car in case it had an alarm system like yours...if it cuts out and you refuse to disarm it, they shoot you in the head.

If they do get away they drop the driver off in the middle of nowhere.
  Clio v6

I had a tracker in my old V6. They called me constantly when the car was being transported from various bodyshops. The first call I had was when the car had only just been driven onto the lorry. Thats quick service.

I value all cars what ever the model or cost. For me its the annoyance of it being missing not just its price. Had I been aware of these gadgets my 172 would have had one too.
  320d M Sport

insurers do love trackers, over next few years theyll prob play a major part.

This new "Pay as u drive insurance" will be linked into it, u have a DVD sized tracker type thing installed somewhere in ur car, this records where/when you have been, at the end of the month u will receive a bill for ur insurance, its an excellent idea.

They can make this unit a tracker also, so it reports ITSELF to the insurers if its been nicked, also if u have a crash, u can get it to report that too.

Well smart.

ps - If someone could make a decent/small/cost effective tracker for motorbikes theyd be laughin...

Quote: Originally posted by paddymph on 28 October 2004

insurers do love trackers, over next few years theyll prob play a major part.

This new "Pay as u drive insurance" will be linked into it, u have a DVD sized tracker type thing installed somewhere in ur car, this records where/when you have been, at the end of the month u will receive a bill for ur insurance, its an excellent idea.

They can make this unit a tracker also, so it reports ITSELF to the insurers if its been nicked, also if u have a crash, u can get it to report that too.

Well smart.

ps - If someone could make a decent/small/cost effective tracker for motorbikes theyd be laughin...
Who is doing these type of systems then cause i have never seen them......


"Maybe in Africa or whatever there is no point but there certainly is over here"

I think you are missing my point, the signals they were picking up in africa were from cars stolen in THIS COUNTRY. I was questioning the point of trackers if the cars can find there way to Africa without being traced!

the thing is no matter what antithedt device you have the car can still be stolen and never recovered but you get a much higher recovery rate with a tracker.

its like using a condom against not using one you might not get pregnant or get a std but chances are you will but using a condom chances are much lower but it can still happen. they dont claim that they can recover every car if a car is that desireable it will be recoverd but that isnt a description of a 182
  Ziel Nurburgring

If they can calculate the distance you have travelled, then surely they can calculate how quickly they got there? And so, sorry Mr X we cat offer you insurance again due to your speeding.
  320d M Sport

Quote: Originally posted by blink172 on 28 October 2004

If they can calculate the distance you have travelled, then surely they can calculate how quickly they got there? And so, sorry Mr X we cat offer you insurance again due to your speeding.
its not meant to be a big brother device!

as for the guy who posted that its no good for high mileage/motorway people....well, if u consider how many cars drive on the m/way each day and how many crashes there is youll actually see that its one of the safest places to be, so, adversely may actually bring ur premium down.

cool huh ;-)

btw, its a trial system run by Norwich at the moment.
  320d M Sport

apparently it wont work like that, its more to do with individual circumstance. So where u drive, how long ur there, how often u go there....that kinda stuff.

oh god lol it will never work. just think how hard british gas find it to read your meter and give you decent bill lol
  320d M Sport

but, i think for me it would be cheaper.

hence, for others would be dearer, so should even it out. Imagine how little most people use theire cars over the xmas period as well, gotta save u money hasnt it.

Back to original point tho, id never fit a tracker to my 172, anythin over 15k id probably consider tho.
  Hippys bus of LOVE !!!

I simply have the tracker for what "little" discount it gives me on the insurance... + it came as standard with the Leon. Although I did upgrade the package...

I informed tracker it was in the garage having some work done and I wanted to know if it was moved from that location... The service managers face when he told me hed "personally" taken the car for a test drive and I said I know Tracker called me, worth it just for the look on his face...

I have another wee device that allows you to start the engine but when you try to accelerate, the throttle does nothing...

It totally messed me up one morning I forgot to turn it off LoL :oops:

At the end of the day if someone really wants ur car theyll get it... :cry:

every tracker is the same if the goes over seas to another country they wont let you use their satellite to track the car same as if its put in a metal container the car disappears


ClioSport Club Member
  mk8Fiesta ST,172 cup

Quote: Originally posted by dogmaul on 28 October 2004

whats the point with the tracker on a clio its hardly a rare car just pop next door and borrow thers. only reason an insurance company would want a tracker on a 172/182 is if you lived in bloody bagdad, its not exactly the most desireable of cars is it
neither is a skoda

Bosses WRX had a tracker but they never found it, like most security devices it increases the chance of keeping/getting the car back but if a proffesional theif wants your car he will have it :(
