Is this the same guy that was on here?
B Beef-Mc Trader Rating - 100% 31 0 0 Apr 27, 2010 #1 Is this the same guy that was on here?
Gally Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup ClioSport Club Member Trader Rating - 100% 2 0 0 Apr 27, 2010 #2 I remember that dude, didn't he get that for a rather good price? On another note, is it being used 24 hours a day as a courier delivery van/car!
I remember that dude, didn't he get that for a rather good price? On another note, is it being used 24 hours a day as a courier delivery van/car!
DazG Trader Rating - 100% 4 0 0 Golf R soon... Apr 27, 2010 #3 Flippin hell! 169k miles! I didn't think Renaults did that kind of mileage
R Russ_16v Trader Rating - 100% 13 0 0 53 Clio's & counting Apr 27, 2010 #4 Yes thats the one, thats one hell of a profit if it sells for that!
Curtis! Trader Rating - 100% 6 0 0 DCi 100 Apr 27, 2010 #5 He got it for something silly like 1600 iirc?
BREMBO ClioSport Club Member Trader Rating - 100% 14 0 0 V6 Mk1, Golf GTI Mk5 Apr 27, 2010 #7 Dont see 5k being achievable
chris182cup Trader Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Fabia vrs tdi Apr 27, 2010 #8 Was it not a cat d or was that someone else? Not looked at ad yet
Edd ClioSport Club Member Trader Rating - 100% 19 0 0 Ghibli/Boxster/197T Apr 27, 2010 #9 No I don't think it was cat d, but the guy who bought it for 1700 said it had done 170k back in December. Was an unbelievable buy at 1700, but can't be worth 5k.
No I don't think it was cat d, but the guy who bought it for 1700 said it had done 170k back in December. Was an unbelievable buy at 1700, but can't be worth 5k.
Alastair. ClioSport Club Member Trader Rating - 100% 21 0 0 986'S 172ph1+182FF Apr 27, 2010 #10 i would say its worth 3k tops
dmn1989 Trader Rating - 100% 1 0 0 LY R26 Apr 27, 2010 #11 LOL 5k for a 170k trophy you can pick a mint one up with circa 30k for 7ish
N Nick r26r Trader Rating - 100% 16 0 0 Apr 27, 2010 #12 seen a few 50k ones for 6k , so the guy is on drugs if he thinks it will sell for 5k , poor engine cant have much life left in it ,
seen a few 50k ones for 6k , so the guy is on drugs if he thinks it will sell for 5k , poor engine cant have much life left in it ,
A ABOO Trader Rating - 100% 1 0 0 Maybe a 172 Cup.. Apr 27, 2010 #14 £1700... That's madness. Read about the car with milage, but didn't know it cost that!
Edd ClioSport Club Member Trader Rating - 100% 19 0 0 Ghibli/Boxster/197T Apr 27, 2010 #15 original boy racer said: Isn't it nth's Click to expand... Nby's isn't it?
K koi Trader Rating - 100% 16 0 0 Audi S1 Apr 27, 2010 #16 Good to know the engines can do those sort of miles
.GAZ. Trader Rating - 100% 14 0 0 RS6+ & 40d MSport X5 Apr 27, 2010 #17 Wouldn't touch that with a barge pole!
R R20 CWH Trader Rating - 100% 11 0 0 e60 M5 -172- dciheid Apr 27, 2010 #18 know hes done some stuff, but cant see it getting much over half that price
p@blo ClioSport Club Member Trader Rating - 100% 22 0 0 Clio/A3 Apr 27, 2010 #19 170k-didnt realise they did a dci trophy :rasp:
Sir_Dave ClioSport Trader Trader Rating - 100% 24 0 0 PM me 4 Car Finance Apr 28, 2010 #20 I reckon it will sell for £4.5k to someone who doesn't use CS, within a week or so ....
ipodsandguns ClioSport Club Member Trader Rating - 100% 2 0 0 GW X200 CUP Apr 28, 2010 #21 BTB the lads got taste if no sense.
Dm_26 Trader Rating - 100% 16 0 0 Apr 28, 2010 #22 35,686 5/8/06 59,854 24/7/07 60,094 26/9/06 71,846 11/12/06 (Major service, including belt change) 84,045 12/4/07 Click to expand... Mileage doesn't match up with the dates :s
35,686 5/8/06 59,854 24/7/07 60,094 26/9/06 71,846 11/12/06 (Major service, including belt change) 84,045 12/4/07 Click to expand... Mileage doesn't match up with the dates :s
N nth Trader Rating - 100% 3 0 0 Apr 28, 2010 #23 original boy racer said: Isn't it nth's Click to expand... nope Edd said: Nby's isn't it? Click to expand... yes, though i understand the confusion lol Dm_26 said: Mileage doesn't match up with the dates :s Click to expand... its likely that hes got the dates mixed up
original boy racer said: Isn't it nth's Click to expand... nope Edd said: Nby's isn't it? Click to expand... yes, though i understand the confusion lol Dm_26 said: Mileage doesn't match up with the dates :s Click to expand... its likely that hes got the dates mixed up
nby Trader Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Apr 28, 2010 #24 yes it is mine and I know the price is way over the top but if you don't try you never know :rasp: thanks for spotting the error in the service history also!
yes it is mine and I know the price is way over the top but if you don't try you never know :rasp: thanks for spotting the error in the service history also!
Gally Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup ClioSport Club Member Trader Rating - 100% 2 0 0 Apr 28, 2010 #25 Had any problems with it being high miles mate?
nby Trader Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Apr 28, 2010 #26 Nothing major so far (touch wood), couple of blips with the sachs and knackered pre-cat lambda etc which have both been done. It made a healthy 171bhp at Surrey RR day
Nothing major so far (touch wood), couple of blips with the sachs and knackered pre-cat lambda etc which have both been done. It made a healthy 171bhp at Surrey RR day
chris182cup Trader Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Fabia vrs tdi Apr 28, 2010 #27 Maybe I should up the price of my RB 182 to 5k and it only has 73k
Leeshez Trader Rating - 100% 19 0 0 clio 182 black /gold Apr 28, 2010 #28 Thats alot of miles. Im supprised it has not packed up lol.
bearne1 Trader Rating - 100% 14 0 0 Clio 182 Trophy. No. 189 May 1, 2010 #29 Had a lot of work mind nby?
SirSimon Trader Rating - 100% 1 0 0 Mini Cooper S May 1, 2010 #30 5k, who the hell does he think he is?