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Trust in this club...

  M5,Range Rover Sport & R1
thats a bummer stevie... and eugegall u should be ashamed of yourself, it is people like you that lose trust within the members!!

i myself have sent parts out before the cheque clears, and a few people on here have sent me parts before my payment even arrived at there door (AndyGDI, YoZza):approve:

i dont post on here alot, but i frequent the site everyday.. and only post where i think is required.... yet i was trusted by these members!! and in turn i trusted other members....



ClioSport Club Member
right, im sorry i didt post sooner but i didt even read this post untill a mod pm'd me,

regarding the shock.i know alot of you wont care what i have to say. i am deeply sorry to steviep for stabbing him, in the back when he bent over backwards to help me, its not me and i am ashamed of myself for this. i ahve sold both cars but i do still have the shock. i got kicked out of my house ages ago and the shock was in the garage and the guy would not let me get this, i think i kinda explained this to stevie and said that id try my best to get it to him. he then went traveling and i didt hear anything from him for a while. so i forgot which i know is wrong. a mod later contacted me regarding this and i did send it to the addy they gave me. i have reciept to prove this. about 3 weeks ago. and it got returned as an unknown address. since then iv txtd and pmd steve to try and get this sorted but no reply untill now. i will resend it today at the addy on this thread. im sorry to the club and steve. i will make it up to you someway or other i promise.

thanks for your kindness again.

  RenaultSport clio 182 Cup
its sad to hear this kind of thing. its hard to but i think members shouldent let episodes like this breed mistrust within this community. i am only a relativly new member but i appreciate the atomsphere and respect between members on here. after all this type of forum is for people to help eachother solve problems together in doing something we all enjoy - weather it be racing, posing, polishing filling with subs or anything else we do with our clio's

Clio's Rule!!!!


ClioSport Club Member
well at the end of the day i done wrong and decerve all the s**t i get. they will be sent 1st thing in the morning as i missed the post today.
  Clio Trophy
No it's fait play in my opinion. Euge obviously can see he has done wrong and is trying to make ammends. He could have just hidden away from it all so i think it was pretty decent of him to come forward. Hope it all gets fully sorted soon.


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
Hope your enjoying Sydney? I've been travelling in OZ for last 10 months. In Melbourne at moment.
  Suzuki SV650
I've not received any PM from eugegall. I have also not received any shock or spring. I put at the start of this post where the shock should be sent to, its the second time I have told eugegall this. No e-mails either. Text's, don't bother, I'm in Australia. Although if you must, then try sending one to +61 404279...

I'd be interested to see the receipt showing that you actually tried to post the shock.

Gearbox (Melton) Ltd
36-42, Thorpe End,
Melton Mowbray,
Leicestershire LE13 1RB

You have until Friday 3rd for the shock and spring to be returned to the above address. Otherwise just forget about it. My car needs to be sorted out and I can't wait another 6 months for someone to return a part.
  Astra VXR 17/05/07
I don`t think its a case of all`s well that ends well just yet. Eugegall still doesn`t sound like he`s playing ball. When Stevie gets his part back then it might be time to forgive a little, but not until then.

Whats with all the data protections crap as well ??? Looks a bit foolish quoting that when he posted his own number on here IMO

Sort it out Eugegall and at least claw some credibility back from people.


^^ he's hardly been given chance since this post.....

ive spoken to him few times and seems a decent lad!!!
  Suzuki SV650
He's had almost half a year to return a shock absorber, if thats not a chance then I don't know what is. I know it seems harsh with a post like this but after speaking to the mods and admins I haven't really got much choice do I? Especially when I'm on the other side of the world!

He seemed like a decent lad when I spoke to him on the phone and from his posts and stuff there is no reason for any harsh words to be said about him on this forum or behind his back, I just would like what is mine by the end of this week because its been dragging on long enough. If its not returned then I can't do anymore about it and I will have to sort out alternative plans with restoring my suspension to standard, I won't post anymore on this thread and it (this post) will just have to be left as it is. That is all!


ClioSport Club Member
sorry again i didt realise this thread was still alive. the shock went today. its gone to the addy above. but fao steve. cos i didt know who to send it too. sorry again. AND thanks again admits. soooo YES it is over
  172 Cup
Eugegall do you have a proof of postage?

Stevie P informs me this still hasn't been returned....


ClioSport Club Member
they went last week. i cudt send them 1st class as it was £30 and i cant afford it so i had to pay £10 for it to be a std package
