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Turbo in a Diesal

  Cupra K1 & Clio 200

Can someone explain to me, the difference (if any) a turbo diesal has with a normal turbo in a petrol car. Reason is, im getin a turbo diesal car but i want to know if it is possible to treat this like a normal turbo on a petrol car. I.e. i want to put in a dump valve or wastegate (whichever is the more suitable). Thanks!

waste gate bypasses the turbine when the boost pressure gets to high on the exhaust side.

Dump valve dumps excessive pressure on the inlet side.

Eccept on a diesel you have no throttle plate so you cant have a dump valve.

on a diesel it doesnt pull a vacuum when lifting of the throttle, hence a dump valve wont work.. however there is a way round this and you cant fit them, they have no benefit atall, just make a sound, although it sounds more lik a gun going off that a petrol dumpvalve and it looses power. depending on what engine your td is it is very easy to tune them up. if you need anymore info contact me at"> all turbos have wastegate actuators. fitting a bl;eed valve will trick this to allow you too run hgher boost pressures. i have modified my corsa td engine a fair bit. if you need any info on this or chip tuning then i would gladly try and help you.

Pringle lets not turn this into another migweb thread!

The older 1.9s are easy to tune (like your vx lump Kris) newer 1.5 ones aint.

"Thats the wrong screw you fool!" lol that was class Kris!
