its like this ...

.. and I have a VAST amount of experience with weber carbs (especially the DCOE and DCNF variety).
Carb can be EXTREMELY economical AND deliver great power, and indeed, low emissions.. they are great on the right application and setup correctly.
the thing is, the right application is critical.
A PROPERLY designed and flowed head, inlet, and exhaust are critical along with the cam profile. (as gas speed is the key to carb usage - you need the speed - at all points in the rev/load range - to atomise fuel as it HAS to be drawn from the jet by a pressure differential - as opposed to FI)
If you get it right.. the carb will be pretty efficient, get it wrong.. and it will cause fuel atomisation problems, richness at unpredictable times, idling problems, emission problems etc.
On a 1.4 clio without good quality head work and exhaust, accurately timed - ans suitable - cam etc, they will probably be a nightmare.. especially in the winter months as the temeprature compensation is minimal.
So, I dont consider it a good route to go down.
get the head work done, a mild cam and free flow exhaust manifold and system, kewl.
as for carbs needing constant retuning as some have said in previous threads, completely disagree, I have never found this a problem is the units are balanced and set correctly with locking compound on the balance bars.
Captn S.