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two sets of wheels, one car!

  Mk2 Golf GTI

right me and my mate were both interested in buying a set of wheels from hi join and we are think of swapping half a set of wheels with each other! so, we will have one style on one side of the car and another style on the other, what do people think?! i cant see how it will look stupid as you will never be able to see both sides of the car at once but what do you lot think? the wheels are on the link below, styles 109 and 117: color=#800080

awaiting the feedback!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC

Id like to see how that turns out - im with I2ich16v- Certainly different!
  RS Megane DCi 175

What about half set on front, half set on back...At least then theres balance.
Post some pics tho if you get them!
  Mk2 Golf GTI

i think that would look strange having two different wheels in view. at least this way you would never actually know it had 2 sets until you look round the whole car!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC

Quote: Originally posted by Rich Clio16v on 18 September 2003

lol!Get some 18s on the back and 14s on the front mate!Look class then!
Surely the other way round?! :p

get some similar looking ones but one set abit deeper, split rim type look. then put the big ones on back
