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Unlocking a phone with screen not respoinding


ClioSport Club Member
  MK Golf GTI
My old phone only some of the screen works so i cannot input the pincode to unlock it.

When connect to my laptop to back it up before wipe it says to unlock it. Its worth nothing phone wise but like to back it up before i destroy it.

Rather not spend £50/£60 on a new screen i assume to fix if there is any way.

Anyone tried anything before?


ClioSport Club Member
  A terrible one
If iPhone you can buy a lightning plug keyboard which you can use to type the numbers in to unlock the phone.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
This happened to my missus phone. Unfortunately her iCloud wasn't setup as that would have been the easiest way (via web)

There was a way of doing it connected to the laptop via USB though - Can't remember exactly now but Google it :)
  Octy vRS & Ninja 650
My old phone only some of the screen works so i cannot input the pincode to unlock it.

When connect to my laptop to back it up before wipe it says to unlock it. Its worth nothing phone wise but like to back it up before i destroy it.

Rather not spend £50/£60 on a new screen i assume to fix if there is any way.

Anyone tried anything before?
Any luck in the end?
