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Unofficial Cliosport sticker


ClioSport Club Member
  E92 M3,172 track car
No to both I'm afraid.
The wheels are particularly bad purely from a quality point of view. A friend had a set on his Vectra SRI diesel and within a week the front two had numerous flat spots. He took them back to Halfrauds, kicked up a fuss and had two new ones fitted. A week later, the same happened again so back to Halfrauds. They sent him to Motor Sport Wheels who were the suppliers. MSW said it was a common problem as they couldn't cope with the extra weight of the diesel engine due to the softness of the alloy and the firm suspension!!!
  Clio 197
I think the sticker's PERFECT.

I love the minimalist style... it's clean, nice and could NEVER be seen as tacky.

Excellent IMO.
  Rb 182
Like the sticker, better than the "real" ones IMO. Not keen on the wheels as others have said there is a quality issue with them :(


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
I like the sticker...Far too many members on here don't even have a sticker!!!

Don't like the halfords rims tho....Looks cheap.
  Lux'd Glacier White R26
Not keen on those wheels, but the sticker looks good.

Agree with Ali, they look cheap, and i bet they are a barsteward to clean!

  Mégane RS 225
Of course they look cheap, they were cheap! ;)

I already had 16" Kosei Snipers for summer but because of some fitting problems in the rear I had to buy new one's quickly.. Getting better rims for next summer (OZ!).

When u buy a car in Finland, u can't afford quality rims same year..

USED -03 mk2 ph2 with approx. 40 tkm driven costs at least 14000 pounds (20000 EUR) here.. :S

Glad u like the stickaaa
