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Used Clios - a winner!!

  VW Potato

thats what AutoExpress reckon. the Clio 1.2 16v is currently the best used small car you can buy. In light of the sudden demand for used 1.2s that this accolade is going to generate, Im going to badge my Clio as a 1.2 a sell it tomorrow at a premium price over a normal used 172. Is I a genius OR WHAT?

  Renault Laguna Coupe

Ill swap you a set of 15"s for your existing wheels to make your 1.2 a bit more convincing if you like...
  VW Potato

top plan! We may need to talk about the engine, too; no one wants the mickey mouse 2.0 when the 1.2 is all the rage. Swap ya for ya interior bits also, if that helps? :D You are so doing me a favour here!! :D

  VW Potato

Good thinking! You are the man!! Better strip all the paint off too - no point us being rumbled if weve got this far!! :D

  Hippys bus of LOVE !!!

Quote: Originally posted by telford_mike on 17 April 2003

Yeah climate control will def have to go, and youll have to lose those headlamps theyre too bright.
Yeh with all this hot weather, who needs air con <tuts> youll make a bomb ;)
  VW Potato

heres my ad for the car:

Reno Clayo Sprot 1.2 - ish. Was red, nice vroomy noise from injun, very nice car. Full reno zero liability warranty. First to see will either buy or ask lots of complicated questions. Very dezoyrible small ka. £48million, or near offer about £9k please mister.

You see! Now even you want one!!

