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Video editing software

Right, lets assume I am a complete noob regarding this subject, mostly as I am. I have done various bits of photo editing using Photoshop and the like but really fancy some video stuff. Mostly Gopro HD and lower end SLR videography and producing short clips for youtube and/or Vimeo.

Gray and I are currently in the process of speccing a fairly decent mid budget PC which I'll be ordering in a week or so. my question is which software to use, what experience do you guys have with anything? I have used the basic windows movie maker previously and Cineform but am aware that so many others are available. I hated WMM but most likely because the old PC and laptops aren't up to much tbh.

Any suggestions and input would be great, I don't need anything for burning blu-ray and don't want to spent vast sums either...


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
I'm out of touch with video stuff mate, but if you've used photoshop then Adobe Premiere Pro will do you fine. If it's out of budget, go for Premiere Elements.
  Mkll Ph1
Depends what your looking to do really. Simple editing you could go with something like sony Vegas which will let your cut and trim video clips, colour correct them and add a few simple effects if needed or you could go with something like after effects which is a pretty powerful compositing program and what I personally use. You can achieve some amazing things in it if you know your way around it.
I use Vegas, it does what I need but it's pretty basic, it reminds me of WMM.

I use it for work's YouTube videos; video, titles, music, text, images.

I'd look at Adobe, if I could be bothered I'd look into it more.
