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Video From Camcorder To PC

  Civic Vtec y0
How can it be done? I dont have any software of stuff, what will I need and is it difficult? Cheers Guys
  UR 197, AB 182 FF
You can get a analogue capture card for around £30, and some software for free online, or from magix, etc. It is VERY easy. I would say get Movies on CD&DVD from magix (try amazon) we used to publish that. Its very good. In fact we used to do a bundle with a capture card!
  Civic Vtec y0
what about doing simple editing? How easy/difficulf is that 2 do?

I just mean like cutting bits out and stuff?
  UR 197, AB 182 FF
Quite easy really, even windows movie maker can do that

In fact, if its only simple stuff, you might get away with just windows movie maker and a capture card.
