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Video Help

  clio 182 black /gold
How do you get a video onto the computer? I have a cam corder but not sure how to get it on the PC.
  Evo4, MITO, 172 TTV6
you need a special lead usb (like the memory stick things) - ??? (it goes into the av out on your camcorder)
  clio 182 black /gold
I have found a usb cable in my box and some software for editing, cool im going to try later on.
  850 T5. mmmm Turbo!
what kind of camera is it,
ideally u want a DV cam if u have a DV out port on your cam, then u can transfer high quality footage. unfortunatly USB cant handle the 170mb/min that firewire can so if its USB your gonna be looking at about 2-3mb/min which is alot less quality but can still be edited up.
