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virgin 3 for £30 gone up to £40,time for a change!

  535d / t5 caravelle
My virgin deals gone upto £40 quid a month now, might have been nice to have been told!

Any good sky/broadband packages about at the minute? fancy a change over to sky anyway, but preferably less than what i'm paying for virgin. how much is this sky plus business?
  Octy VRS
I'm looking too, currently paying about £46 a month and only really want the minimum of minimum deal.
  535d / t5 caravelle
Thing is i dont want to cancel virgin, and then find out i would have been better off staying with them!
  SLK 350
^You'll ALWAYS get a better deal being a 'new' customer anyway. None of them seem to reward loyalty.
  Skoda Fabia Vrs 180b
it was a time related deal you would have signed up to, XL tv for the price of L tv for 12 months.

I work for virgin within the retentions team so if either of you want details of the best deal you could get, drop me a pm with your package and I will try sort you something out
