Ive just gotten home from a drive. I couldnt sleep and there was nothing on the telly, so I thought why not take the car for a quick spin.
At first I just planned to go for a little sprint up the motorway and then home along the back routes but the plan was not followed.
About 10 minutes into the drive Im passed by a Supra doing about 140ish, so I speed up and follow, and he slows down, so I slow down to the speed limit again, not expecting much from him, when a 4x4 comes past and he pulls out and tucks in behind it. I follow again and now were all doing 160. The 4x4 pulls over and so does the Supra, so I change down to 4th and gun it up to 180, and the supra pulls out behind me and tailgates, so I indicate and pull over to the middle lane and so does he. we stay like this for 500m when he pulls over to take the next turn off, so I slow down again and carry on going to see what else I can find, cos I know he was just playing with me.
I eventually get to the other side of the city and think Im heading home now so I take the next turn-off that I know will lead me home. at the top of the offramp is a set of lights, and 100m down the road in the direction Im travelling, are some flashing police lights, but Ive done nothing wrong, what am I worried about, so the lights go green and I carry on below the speed limit and driving like a proper citizen, but low and behold (as well as knowing my luck), a copper walks into the middle of the road and indicates that I should pull over. I pull over, stop the engine, and open the window. The cop walks up to me, asks for my licence, says Ive got a nice motor, gives it a good looking over, hands back my licence, asks where Im going, then says nice motor one more time and lets me go...oh well no harm done, and I carry on.
Now comes the bit Im chuffed about...
At this one set of lights, I pull up next to a 5 series Beemer, look over my right shoulder but the guy is staring straight ahead, so I ignore him, and when the lights turn green, I head off at a slighty accelerated rate but nothing anyone would bother about. Next set of lights, the Beemer pulls up next to me, and the the lights turn green and I shoot off.
Eventually we get to a set of lights which are situated on a reletively straight dual carriage way which is on a slight incline, so that Im facing up the hill.
Mr. Beemer pulls up level with me, the lights turn green, and this time he pulls off slightly faster than I do, so I compensate and keep level. Next thing I hear is his rear tyre losing grip and squealing a little cos he has plastered his foot on the gas, so Im game and do the same. He is about 3/4 of a cars length ahead of me, but as my revs climb I begin to pass him, and this doesnt stop till we get to the top of the incline doing about 160 where Im 3 car lengths ahead of him and there is a bit of a blind bend so I think Ive proven my point and the 172 is a car to be reckoned with
I am very impressed with my little Renault Rocket because from everything Ive read, the 540i series of cars doesnt have a 0-62 of more than 7.14 and the faster ones (manual) having a 0-62 of 6.6
So Ive come to the following conclusions.
Either 1. his newish 540i is knackered, but I doubt that from its condition
2. he drives like an idiot
3. my car is pretty quick for a 172
4. my car is modified and I know nothing of it
5. Im a damn good driver.
Im inclined to believe in number 3