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VTS exhaust

Whats a good exhaust system for a saxo vts?

Needs to be stainless steel and give good poewer gains but not too loud.

any ideas?


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d

Some systems can be quite loud, but either a Magnex or a Scorpion is good for power gains and not as noisy as others Ive heard.

I know people that have (or had) exhausts on their VTSs & 106 GTis and some can either be a bit raspy or others quite boomy.

The Scorpion was nice actually, a bit quieter than the Magnex.


  Clio v6

I had a Remus system on one of my VTSs sounded nice but a lot more than an exhaust was needed to make a VTS go ( or even stay going ):(
