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Warantee question!!

  182 Trophy No. 223
AM i entitled to a courtesy car if work is being done under warantee??

I understand until they say the're doing it or not i couldnt have one, but more annoyingly they told me they have no cars for hire until like september! No good, i have no wheels! Wivelsfield Baldocks in west sussex this is

cheers guys and girls
Bennigin said:
AM i entitled to a courtesy car if work is being done under warantee??

I understand until they say the're doing it or not i couldnt have one, but more annoyingly they told me they have no cars for hire until like september! No good, i have no wheels! Wivelsfield Baldocks in west sussex this is

cheers guys and girls

yes fella but it all depends on when you book it in ...............ask em when one will be available for you to use whilsy the work is being carried out .............average about 6 months :quiet: :quiet: .....couple of weeks really
I think it might also depend on what they are doing? But don't quote me on that.

My local dealer usually gives me a lift to and from work when they have my car for the day - you could always try asking for that if you don't need your car during the day.
  182 Trophy No. 223
they offered me that on previous occasions, but i usually start work, befor they open, and finish, after they close! so wouldnt get teh motor back teh same day anyway grr, where can i check? must be in the log book and warantee info pack - which is in the car at the garage! grrr!!!
I think my local dealers will also pickup / dropoff at your workplace, but I've never used that service as there is a nice stretch of dual carriage way between the dealer and work and I don't like the idea of them ragging my car down it!
