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Warning if selling Clio 172 parts

  Evo VX220
Hi all,

I was a previous member on here until I sold my 172 5 years ago. If any of you guys are breaking up your Clios watch out for ebay user Xistr-77 (Lorenzo Lyanco) - sure he will change user name as 0 feedback- address on paypal is Portugal but hes in the UK. Im breaking a 172 for a friend and he wanted the bumper and wings. He asked me just to package them and he would sort a courier. He sent me a couple of fake UPS labels and when I was at work a guy who my wife assummed was a courier came and collected. So a week later he files a dispute straight with paypal and wont respond to me on ebay saying he never received the parts. I provided paypal with the labels etc but they stated unless I can prove he received iea tracking number which is correct its my loss. So moral of the story cash on collection only! My mistake I never saw this coming! He had tried to buy other items of the 172 from me on ebay with a note please only accept if you can wrap up for my courier! - sorry if wrong section but I cant put in the for sale forums. Hope this may help someone!



Bon Jovi Officianado
ClioSport Club Member
That’s exactly why it’s cash only on collection for me. Not the money that’s an issue more I don’t want the stress.

but also why are you not listing bits on here where you will get a better quality of buyer? I’m after some radiator brackets!!!

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
why would you let the courier take the parts if they hadn't already been paid for? I don't get it?

edit, wait I do, just took me while figure it out, lol i'd so get scammed easy 🤣
  Clio 197
He will also ask for you to leave feedback ASAP, so it can’t be changed once the scam is caught on. Report him to PayPal OP, maybe they will get enough complaints to do something useful for once.
  Evo VX220
That’s exactly why it’s cash only on collection for me. Not the money that’s an issue more I don’t want the stress.

but also why are you not listing bits on here where you will get a better quality of buyer? I’m after some radiator brackets!!!

I forgot my details so just whacked up on ebay! Wish I had what a ballache!
  Evo VX220
why would you let the courier take the parts if they hadn't already been paid for? I don't get it?

edit, wait I do, just took me while figure it out, lol i'd so get scammed easy 🤣

He paid mate then went straight to paypal not received.
  Evo VX220
He will also ask for you to leave feedback ASAP, so it can’t be changed once the scam is caught on. Report him to PayPal OP, maybe they will get enough complaints to do something useful for once.

Ive spent hours on the phone to paypal - they said can see whats happened by my naivety! So basically yeah scammer wins
Take it up with your bank? Different scenario but I was having problems with ebay and hermes, the bank put in a case and I got the money straight away.
  Evo VX220
Can you post the parts you have left on here!? Like I say I’m after 2 radiator brackets!

This is pretty much everything I have left - do you have a pic of the brackets I have the box of bolts I kept breaking the 172 down so just maybe in there?

Engine and gearbox 2002 phase 2 (not split together 450)
Both front hubs/calipers/wishbones/driveshafts 60 the lot
ARB 10
Exhaust manifold 10
Engine mounts - 1 powerflex bush 25
Rear passenger light 10
Iceberg sideskirts 20
Passenger door and tailgate 40/30
Steering rack 20
Starter motor 10
Stereo plus cd changer 10
BCM control module
Dash airbag and module
ECU/speedo locks and key
A/C rad
Boot carpet
Various interior trim bits ie visors/dash trim etc

Big bits prices next to. Im near Crawley in Sussex.

  Evo VX220
My wife is doing a dummy advert ebay - see if he bites!!! Thinking what would be a really desirable part for a 172. What suspension should I put?


Bon Jovi Officianado
ClioSport Club Member
It’s these mate

they sit on the top of the radiator and attach it to the slam panel
  Evo VX220
UPDATE - hes still at it - got my wife to post a set of front arch liners - knew he was after some with the bumper - he bit lol. Hes bought on her paypal and already sent fake UPS labels - got him to go to a mates house miles away to collect a box of rubbish. Anyway my friend missed the UPS courier (had an official card) but they are calling back. So hes either got someone on the inside or gives UPS the proper labels to attach. Hes after Clio parts so beware of him - XISTRA 77 on ebay
  Evo VX220
Can’t find an eBay account to block under that name ?

Name shown on ebay is Joao Camolas - his ebay username is - xistr-77 - he can change that though so watch out for any payments from a Lorenzo Lyanco in Portugal - different name ebay to paypal.
Worked out the scam - he books with UPS but changes tracking number on his PC but barcode is the same and then sends to you. So UPS scan as normal and send to him. Moral of the story cash on collection only!
Hes got a nice box of rubbish going to him and I can at least argue with paypal it contained his arch liners!
