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Ways around port blocking

Now, just moved into my Uni flat today and i have been greated with a 100Mb/s connection, awesome! Or so it seems.

Can't connect to Steam, doesn't find COD4 servers and i can't connect to Torrents.

This doesn't seem like a big deal, as i don't really wanna be in here playing games etc. However, i wouldn't mind playing now and again.

Are there ways around this at all?


  A thirsty 172
The only possible "way around" it for you is to configure your programs / games to use an open port.
Even then, if they've got a decent firewall set up properly with application layer filtering, that won't work either.

Your only other method would be to do as Longy says.
  182FF with cup packs
Buy the IT department cakes and BJ

As a Network Security Engineer, I can confirm that this tactic does work.

Though the issue may not even be with your local firewall (i.e. your universities). They are probably sending web traffic out via JANET and they may filter that stuff out there as well.

So you may need a cake shop and plenty of lip balm. :dead:
  Not a 320d
Sheesh. Theyre dragging fibre through to the place where im doing my work placement for uni. cant wait. Hate this shitty 10 meg connection i have here. God damm copper.
  Ph1 172
Try using a HTTP tunnel app. I used one successfully where i used to work for downloads, messenger and playin Doom.

Although as mentioned above, application layer filtering may detect this...
